At the time Jesus said these words, the young man was living under the law.  There had not yet been a crucifixion or resurrection.  He was familiar with the law, and was not apparently familiar with grace.  Jesus was not telling him he could be saved by keeping the law.  He was pointing out God's high standards for His people, and at the same time, showing that no one has ever lived up to those standards.  All have sinned and come up short, but just as people today do not see themselves as sinners, the young man was unaware that he came up short.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Look at your own experience.  You cannot keep the commandments any better than he could.  Christ is our only hope, and Christ gave His followers only two commands, not ten. The ten were part of the law, and the last verse in the book of the law,(Leviticus,27:34) points out that those rules were for the children of Israel, not Christians.  All the moral part of the original ten commandments is covered in the big two, but the Sabbath keeping is not.  We have the wonderful freedom to worship God any day, any time, any place, without going through a priest. The veil in the Holy of Holies has been rent.  Worship every day!
Blessings brother,

Legalism and grace don't go hand in hand.   Laura

MAT 19:17   And he said unto him,
{Why callest thou me good? [there is] none good but one, [that is], God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.}
Was Jesus a legalist?

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