
As far as the bad reports about the men below: some repented, and some are
just speculation that we can't say for sure is true. While I understand your
argument, it makes no sense to me. Why accept any opinion on Christianity
from a possibly hypocritical wolf in sheep's clothes? (If that is what HH
is, in fact.) While his opinion on that subject might be correct, I'd be
much more likely to accept it from someone with unstained integrity. 

I've also heard HH revile men as heretics who I am sure are devout, godly
men. Nothing curdles my spirit than something like that. For many years I've
had a distinct revulsion in my spirit when listening to HH. After reading
that and other similar websites, now I think I know why. 

So, in the future why don't we just draw on the opinions of folks that we
know are real Believers with sterling reputations, and not on those whose
character is in any way questionable? I think there are enough tried and
true faithful Believers to consult.

Judge a tree by it's fruit. Bad tree=bad fruit. Let's get our fruit from
good trees. :-)

Or, better yet, let's listen to the Holy Spirit within us. And then allow
other Believers to be our confirmation.

As far as manipulating statistics; that's easily done for sure. But
sometimes they are accurate, also. I'm no mathematician (FOR SURE), but I
know it is too simplistic to automatically assume that the numbers are
skewed, or that a roomful of monkeys can write Shakespeare!

I've got to run again!

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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