Glenn wrote:
> I believe that George Washington was President
> of the United States but I am not believing in
> GW to take me to heaven. ...
> I am not believing in church membership,
> perfectionism, baptism, Lord's Supper,
> works, etc., to take me to heaven.

I haven't heard anyone on TruthTalk argue that church membership,
perfectionism, or the Lord's Supper save men.  I think most of us,
perhaps all of us, have the same concept of faith as what you describe

Glenn, don't you believe that a man with faith will have good works
follow him?  That is what we believe.  Aren't we in agreement with this?
Doesn't faith produce good works?  I don't understand who or what you
are arguing against.

Glenn - Yes, I agree with what you said above.  But you double talk.  If what you say above is true, then salvation is by grace through faith, plus nothing, minus nothing.  What you say above is the opposite of what you said previously about not believing in salvation by grace through faith, plus nothing, minus nothing.  You cannot have it both ways. 

What you say above means one cannot save themselves.  I think you know the context of Acts 2:40. 

If the Republican Guard in Baghdad wants to save themselves, then they must separate themselves from Saddam H.  That is the context of Acts 2:40.

  All I can tell is that you have some chip on your

shoulder against me personally.  Why do you hate me so much?

Glenn - I assure you, I do not hate you.  In fact, I like you.  I appreciate you very much.  I would love to meet you sometime.  I think you are as sincere a person as I have ever met.  That's why I have come down so hard on you when you get mixed up in a works salvation while giving lip service to a grace salvation. 

I love you in the Lord.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

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