David Miller wrote:
> For the sake of the list, I'm going to ask 
> you Glenn to limit your posts to two posts 
> per day for one week. ... Are you willing 
> to work with me on this?

Glenn wrote:
> No, I will not do this.  But I will leave TT.  
> I understand why you are kicking me off of TT.  
> You do not welcome the hard truth on TT.

I am not kicking you off of TruthTalk.  I have only asked if you would
be willing to limit your posts to two a day for one week.  I think you
are valuable to TruthTalk and I hope you stay.  I'm just trying to help
you get along with the rest of us a little bit better.  If you aren't
willing to limit your posts, perhaps you or someone else can come up
with a better solution to work through this problem.

The hard truth is welcome here, but it must be backed up with wisdom
that promotes discussion.  Flaming others does not promote discussion.
If you need any help understanding this, or if you desire any private
communication to help you understand your error, I am available to you
by e-mail and by telephone.  You have my contact information.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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