> I have no problem understanding that when God says something, he means
> it.  No question that we must obey Him.  The question doesn't concern
> what God says, but how violating inadvertently what man says equates to
> sin.  Jesus can heal on the Sabbath, contrary to the laws of men, and
> his apostles can pluck ears of corn, contrary to the laws of men, and
> his apostles can eat without washing first, contrary to the laws of men,
> but if we slip over the speed limit a few mph, and that is the only
> thing we have ever done wrong, we will go to hell?  That's what I'm
> having trouble understanding.  Bear with me.  I'm still assimilating.
> :-)  All I can say right now is Wow.  You have impressed me.

There's a big difference between a Pharisee telling someone that a manmade
religious tradition carries greater weight than a commandment from YHVH.
There's a big difference between a Pharisee telling someone that a certain
command MUST BE OBEYED... even when it contadicts the letter and the spirit
of the Torah. That is what gave Yeshua the power to abandon some of the
religious [man-made] laws of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Yeshua still paid
the Temple tax and he still said, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's."
That, I believe, also includes obeying the stupid signposts along the
freeway (which are no longer free) because we need to render to Caesar what
is Caesar's... our obedience to stupid laws.

-- slade
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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