g, if you are worrying about a “long list” of things to do regarding being a responsible citizen, I can help.  How long does it take to vote? (Not very!)  Does it take “too long” to figure out HOW to vote? Here’s a quick hint for you: “Republican” and “No”. You’ll never go wrong, since No to more taxes/government is always your best bet, and the Worst Republican is better than the Best Democrat or anything else. So that’s it in a nutshell—go forth and Vote! Iz


-----Original Message----- 

the list of things to do is already too long...this is about where i get in trouble with (e.g.) Iz for political and economic irresponsibility/laziness...but i ran that 'list' through the shredder..started taking salvation inc healing (e.g., Matt 11 and Jms 5) seriously...Isa 55, too..and prayin' the Lord's prayer, e.g., 'give us our daily bread'..does this make me a communist?



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