On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 11:26:51 -0400 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> David Miller wrote:
>your weight of 240 with 6'2" height would
>still be overweight [*OW].  I don't agree with that
if you were to pitch against me, DavidM, you wouldn't think i'm *OW:)--no pitchers i play bb with think that,but more the opposite in terms of fit/physique..esp when they see one of their best pitches goin' ~400 feet outa the yard as has happened at least twice in different games this Spring
BUT, if we--many of us--go to Somalia or Ethiopia or India they might wonder (to say the least) about our lifestyle/s and concerns..
e.g., any one here can tyr to imagine/think about being unable to choose what to eat..and/or feelin' proud/lucky/blessed, etc. (or like dancin' in the street:) if there's a pot with some rice and/or chicken (and even water!) boilin' in it..
this kinda lifestyle scenario is what it translates to when 40% of us are OW on the planet, and 40% of us are flatass starvin..
is it our 'dream' or their 'nightmare'?
(then the Marines (ftr, i was one in the artillery in the VN era) roll into town lookin' for people/stuff that no one can find while Haliburtons/Cheneys of the world, et. al., tell the starvin's gurus/dictators that they need a x-#-of-billion-$ contract to re-build what the Air Force just blew the hell out of so the tanks/cannons/troops could roll in on eeaaasy street..
and that's called 'victory'..wheee long-time General so-and-so can retire now <rofx666!>
>You mentioned Jesus being accused of gluttony, yet point to his
>fasting as evidence he was not a glutton...
i realize you said you're 'thinkin' out loud here' and i like it! but i didn't try to configure the comments, above, etc. about JC that tightly, your tendency as a rule is to algorhythmize everything:) (new word-eh?:)..
anyway, it's the matter of how the NT portrays JC, how he thinks of himself  (his 'responsibilites', Iz) that captures my attention...
he came here both 'eating and drinking', he said, and doin' that with sinful people perhaps like Bill Clinton (whom i never supported/voted for) it appears; but/yet JC (not Clinton <rof>) fasted alone on other occasions...
i think a lot about what this means, e.g. he doesn't sound like a Hindu or a Catholic or an Evangelical <rof> ...whewy...
>Gary wrote:
>>it's obviously impossible to take this responsibility
>> at an American voting booth...or even at an American church
> Do you think voting is wrong? 
it's like eating--hard to categorize NT-wise due to the role of e.g. Gentile self-interest cp. to the love of i.e. Jewish JC..neither eating*666 (partic 3 squares a day) nor voting*rof is a biblical duty..Izzy is definitely dizzy..didn't she just say she strives for 'balance'??? <rofx666!>

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