gluttony entails 'overweight'--vice versa; it means consuming more [calories--in this case] than is necessary..
(e.g.) if gluttony is a function of covetousness (why not?), partic in an environment where starvation is a reality, too--and the overfed/overeaters are 40% while another 40% starve, then gluttons are in the position of (forced) covetousness where 'forced' relates to the 'force' of habit/habitually even stealing food from others..
and it easily becomes, as someone commented, a matter of 'policy'...
even a political purpose to steal (e.g., food)...easily...from the (cyclical) starving...and use it as a political weapon..(e.g.) vs. 'oil'
ftr, Republicans (like Iz) taught me to eat everything on my plate and load it up again from my own stove/refrig..groc store..Burger (land, rivers, lakes, highways, towns, harbors, refineries..) account/s..stock portfolio/s..bomb factory/s..
but, if we pursue this far enough, DavidM, it'll become evident that all (inc Christian) politicians thrive on certain margins of global corruption while (we the) people (conveniently 'think with there stomach/s' (another Dylan line)...
which is interesting in that JC--though he was a perceived glutton (he even said, 'the Son of man came eating and drinking')--often fasted...
it mentions somewhere that he went over a month without eating...could go days w/o food..
IOW, there all kinds of evidence that he took control of, responsibility for, his lifestyle--also, for us..he loved us..
and that's at the core of this issue, too; 
also, that it's obviously impossible to take this responsibility at an American voting booth...or even at an American church
'ye shall find rest for your souls' is eschatological--not a dream..
..or a nightmare
On Fri, 6 Jun 2003 20:12:16 -0400 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hey Gary.  Do you think a person can be overweight and yet not be
> guilty of gluttony?


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