Dear Judy,
When I wrote: "The church is composed of MEN AND WOMEN who are saved."...
You responded:"Actually today the professing church is composed of the "mixed multitude" but the Church Jesus returns for is the spirits of just men/women made perfect. The Church has been saved, is being saved, and will be saved. It is the soul that needs saving and this happens as we walk it out daily "in the Spirit"

Dear Sister, I did not speak, nor does scripture speak of "the professing church"! The church of God in any community has never ever included even one false professor! The Lord knows them that are His and it is the Lord that adds to His church those that are being saved.

Hebrews 12:23 does NOT say that the church is "the spirits of just men made perfect"! What is
DOES say is this:
"To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the
Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,"

The "church" is God's new covenant people, but "the spirits of just men made perfect" are the spirits
of old testament saints! See Heb.11:40


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