-----Original Message-----

I would think that thought and will (decision making) are capabilities of

the spirit. Angels are spirits and they think and exercise their wills.

What do you think, or what scriptures would you relate to such questions,


Your brother in Christ,





It seems to me that decisions can be made either by the flesh OR by the spirit, depending upon which one we are walking in when we make the decision.  Why else would we be told to, “Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh,”? That is the whole problem; how do we ALWAYS make decisions in the spirit, rather than motivated by the flesh? To me, it seems that I must not make any decision in the emotion of the moment, but must remember to lay the flesh aside and allow the Spirit to lead me.  Then am I talking about two different spirits; mine and His? Or are they one, now?  But the unsaved also have a spirit, too—right????  I’m confusing myself!!! J


I also know the scripture stating that we sit with Him in heavenly places, but I don’t see that that keeps my spirit from residing inside of my body on this earth. Otherwise, I am a very split personality! Perhaps that scripture refers to the fact that when we are walking in the leading of His Holy Spirit we are walking with the Lord, who is in heaven, and then are One?



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