From: "Arsene Lupin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JT: But TPW they don't pass the fruit test. Didn't Jesus Himself say "You
will know them by their fruit?" and the fruit in a persons life reflects
the root working in their heart. If murder is the fruit of their lives -
they were definitely NOT yoked with Jesus - He was not the root in their

TPW: Aaah here's the million dollar question, if they are not yoked with
Jesus, why are there not more Christians speaking out and saying "THIS IS
NOT WHAT GOD TOLD US TO DO?".  You see inaction is like approving the
act. In the past I understand. I studied with great care that
time-period. But today, we have a rather effiecient weapon against such
ugly beast, and that weapon would make Gutenberg green with envy should
he have been with us today. The internet. Nothing can truly be hidden now
(I am well placed to know, I work in that field). Already many are
speaking out, and I rejoice, 
and so, in that respect that's why I like to give a hand with groups that
truly reflect the selflessness of Christ.  Having read that bible, I know
for a fact that alot of things being done in the name in the cross is
really something that the big J would have spat on. In many respects,
when I look at some groups I keep hearing two words "Golden Calf".

JT: Historically mankind has all done the same thing, all that changes is
the name. This is why Jesus went to the cross, to save us from
destruction, in this life and the life to come.

TPW: Sometimes I just wonder if he just bought Christians some time so we
could make up your own minds...

jt: Who could make up our minds?  Paganism?  I don't think so.  Jesus
went to the cross for you and I to give us a choice. He said that if we
have seen Him we have seen the Father, IOW the Father is just like Him
and yes, we do have a measure of time right now to get things right. 
However, the Day of the Lord is coming and it will be a day of darkness
rather than light.  This is when He will literally put all enemies under
his feet and I would not care to be on the wrong side in that day. This
is when men will cry out for the mountains and rocks to fall on them as
in Revelation 6:15-17.

I wrote: Oh, so you are from Viking ancestry? The reason I asked about
FRP is that at one time our son was involved with them and I recognize
some of the same "heroes." Your intent is honorable TPW but where will
you get the power to live it in your own life or enforce it in the life
of other pagans?

TPW: Ah. Of course. As for the power I will need. I have all the tools I
need for that endeavour. You see this is where our respective faiths are
at conflict. You require an outside source (God) in order to be able to
reach outward. We, learn to cultivate our own inner strenght. Focus
within, reach outward. It's not easy, in fact, I wouldn't reccommend it
to anyone. It 
takes a certain mental strenght and will to do so. How will I reach my
kindred? The only way I know. You cannot force them, nor you can berate
them. This is more than likely why many of your preachers are in reality
a failure, no one will budge to a loud-mouth. No, You can only lead by
example and when they ask where you get such strenght, to show them 
the direction they should take.

I know for a fact I will never see the end result, but then we have a
"The one who plants a acorn will never see it become an oak".

jt: I like the "lead by example" analogy.  We have a saying I like also
and that is  "He that goes forth weeping bearing precious seed shall
doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him"


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