From: "Arsene Lupin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JT:  Hmmmm!! Fanciful thinking TPW.  So far as He is concerned the gods
of the nations are as nothing. We can be sure that the day WILL occur
because so far Bible prophecy has never failed.  We are told how men who
have not acted upon God's mercy WILL react in that day.  John the beloved
disciple (the one who at the last supper layed his head on Jesus breast)
falls at His feet as one dead - So what makes you think you will be able
to stand and lock eyes with such a One with hair white as snow, eyes a
flame of fire, and a two edged sword coming from His mouth. It will be
reckoning time - too 
late for I apologize or I am sorry.

TPW: What makes me think I couldn't? If you knew someone was comming and
was planning to hurt your family, your friends and all those you care
about, one who would destroy all these things on the basis that I didn't
bow down or 
they were not of the same faith, would you not stand up and fight?  I
wouldn't bow down. I would shout a warcry, a human warcy and run that
tyrant through. Better dead fighting for your kin's freedom than an
eternity of slavery. That is something not even your god could take that
away from me.

jt: I think there are some misconceptions TPW.  My God does not promise
anyone at all an eternity of slavery - where does that come from?  He
does promise that you will spend eternity with the one who you serve and
there are just two Masters so it's either the Lord of Life or the Lord of
Death; Jesus is the Lord of Life and all other gods are part of the other

TPW: I didn't start the fight, but I would try to end it. In the end,
it's god who would lose. He destroys me, It's one less servant he doesn't
have for eternity. He destroys me, I won't know what happened. I won't be
around to have remorse.

jt: God has already given his best for our sake. Yes you will be aware
because you are primarily a spirit being.  God is Spirit and originally
man was created in His image, that is, until he fell into agreement with
the wrong one and the image of God in him was marred.  Spirits don't die.
 You might want to re-read the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, are
you familiar with this parable?

TPW:  My apologies if that sounded grim. But who knows what will truly

jt: God is not willing that any should perish. He wants all to come to
the knowledge of the truth.... so He has made it possible that we can
know. If we don't make it we will only have ourselves to blame.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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