JT: Who could make up our minds? Paganism? I don't think so. Jesus went to the cross for you and I to give us a choice. He said that if we have seen Him we have seen the Father, IOW the Father is just like Him and yes, we do have a measure of time right now to get things right. However, the Day of the Lord is coming and it will be a day of darkness rather than light. This is when He will literally put all enemies under his feet and I would not care to be on the wrong side in that day. This is when men will cry out for the mountains and rocks to fall on them as in Revelation 6:15-17.

TPW: I am sorry if I made it sound like I was suggesting that Pagan ways would be the way for you. Such is not my intent. Just as I despise to be told what to believe, I wouldn't dare think about undoing your beliefs and replace them with my own. Besides a "Pagan evangelist" that's unheard of!

But I must disagree, On that day, should it ever occur, I will not hide. I will say that no matter how much fear or even awe (Who knows for sure how will one react to such kind of events?), I would stand, and even dare to lock my gaze with his. If I am to be judged, let me face my judge as I must, showing him the same courtesy as I would any opponent.

Not out of pride, but of respect. Only a coward hides. My stance at that point? "This is who I am, this is how I chose to live my life, I have no regrets, do what you must!!"

JT: I like the "lead by example" analogy. We have a saying I like also and that is "He that goes forth weeping bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him"

TPW: Interesting, what verse is that?


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