TPW: Carroll's Statement is a classic example of arrogance, "Us or them mentality" and use of CFGI

Attend as I analyse the statements...

" Self centered people always assume Christians have some hidden motive behind their actions even to the point of making their prayers as evil-when the truth is that these lost self centered people-whom have heard and reject the Gospel are God haters and also hate his children- so no matter what they say there is fault..."

Analysis: The first opening statement can easily be translated as "Non-believers cannot see the truth as they are not of God and hence our inferiors/enemies". This is a fine example of "US OR THEM" type of attitude.

"How dare Christians speak of their God in public-How dare they puck brands from the burning to come-How dare they even pray."

Analysis: CFGI being used, trying to make the opposition feel guilty about criticizing the methods or activities.

Fact: The first amendement grants you the right to speak in public, to have your religious services and to even promote it. No one is stopping you from doing so. There are no black helicopters flying over your home, there are no FBI agents digging in your trash, none of your conspiracy theories ever prove themselves to be valid.

"This is Satan using the weak narrow minded people of the world to attempt to hinder the gospel-because he fears those that convert to Jesus Christ-because sooner or later someone will realize the power they hold over his kingdom. The weak are easy to recognize they speak of self alot-bragging on their own power-Yet those of God brag on His power. How can a blind man see light if he refuses to look. The prophecies alone prove God is-but a foolish man refuses to even examine those truths."

Analysis: This is a fine example of arrogance. "We are the holy ones. Look at us, we are trying to save you from eternal damnation". Interesting how you display vanity, disdain, envy and demonize your opposition all at once.

Of course you need to see your own inadequacies pertaining to the matter, you are letting your own selfish pride guide you. And get off your high-horse, you are human too. I am not in the least impressed nor moved by your threats of hellfire nor inclined to even consider your viewpoint further.

Perhaps when you are more calm we can discuss this further.


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