In a message dated 11/23/2003 1:10:38 PM Central Standard Time, 
JPW - Many of us non-christians when encountering a group of your evangelists 
noticed two kinds of prayer

Laura - The first kind is the one that was uttered without being mentioned to 
one being prayed to. The kind that whenever a situation occurs to the 
non-believer and then finds out later that the Christian had been praying 
for him/her without mentioning it. This is a non-egotistical approach, and 
the non-believer sometimes will even thank them. Why? It's a prayer that was 
truly selfless
So does this mean you acknowledge the effectiveness of prayer?  Prayer to 
God?   Or are you saying that it is the attitude in which they approach prayer.  

JPW_ To many of us, 
whenever we had an argument with a Christian (Often an exercise in 
futility), they retort with a dismissal and a "I will pray for you". 

  Laura - Christians are not supposed to argue.  Disagree - sure but I have 
never retorted like that!   I usually go the forgiveness route?  Is that a 
concept that is familiar to you?  Do you practice forgiveness?  Laura
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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