As a moderator of the list, I need to step in here and provide some guidance.  I don’t want misunderstandings to cause hard feelings toward one another.  Please bear with me as I try and share an outsider’s perspective here.  I’m not trying to take sides, just make some observations and ask both sides to forbear with one another and have patience.


Kevin wrote:

I see that you are the one, who took the LIBERTY to MISQUOTE me!

It is actually you who is guilty of MISQUOTING. I am deeply offended that you would misqoute me & at the same time accuse me of that which you are guilty of!

You have put " " around my words.

It was not there; you did it. The PROOF is just a few lines down in this post. 

How dare you attack my integrity and then publicy do what you accuse me of. I think that is despicable.

I cut & pasted your edited quote:



Here is the ORIGINAL POST!


"One definite purpose...assuming the mortal state...We were to control our urges and desires, master and control our passions, and overcome our weaknesses, small and large. We were to eliminate sins of omission and of comission" M.of F. Kimball p 5


As anyone can see I "quoted" Mr Kimball & outside of those quotes were MY COMMENTS IN CAPS & BOLD! I would hope this combination of my words bold & CAPS (for those seeing just TEXT) would pose a double check on MY WORDS vs Kimball's "words"

You say I misquoted MR Kimball show cause or RETRACT!


Hi Kevin.

It seems to me that you left off the starting quote mark for your first quote.  Following is the original post you sent on 12-9-2003. 


-----Original Message-----
TruthTalk[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:TruthTalk[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Tuesday, December 09, 2003 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: [
TruthTalk] Courtesy of A.Word.A.Day



Christ became perfect through overcoming. Only as we overcome shall we become perfect and move toward godhood. As I have indicated previously, the time to do this is now, in mortality" The Miracle of Forgiveness Spencer W Kimball President & Prophet p 210.



"One definite purpose...assuming the mortal state...We were to control our urges and desires, master and control our passions, and overcome our weaknesses, small and large. We were to eliminate sins of omission and of comission" M.of F. Kimball p 5

So your religion is ineffective for you. You are not progressing to godhood.


It is not clear whether or not “WE MUST BECOME PERFECT NOW” is part of the quote attributed to Kimball.  I realize that you know that the capital bold letters are yours, but you also bold other letters within the quote itself, so with the missing quote mark, it is a little confusing for those of us reading what you are sharing. 


It seems to me that Dave was just trying to clarify what was part of the quote and what was not part of the quote, and you should be agreeing with him now, not accusing him.  You are agreeing with Dave that “WE MUST BECOME PERFECT NOW” and “MUST ELIMINATE SIN” are not part of the quote of Kimball.  


It also seems to me that Dave was trying to clarify two separate things:  1) that the first mistake on your part caused an actual misquote.  “WE MUST BECOME PERFECT NOW” was not ever written by Kimball; and, 2) that your characterization of “WE MUST ELIMIMATE SINS IN OUR MORTAL STATE” is not at all what Kimball was trying to say in the second quote that you offered.  This is why Dave said in regard to this, “as you suggested” rather than “as you quoted him.”  The second quote has missing words, and from what I can read in the quote, I can’t tell what Kimball is saying.  The use of “were” suggests a subjunctive mood which makes it highly probable that your characterization of his quote (“WE MUST ELIMINATE SINS”) is not accurate.  If you or Dave can provide a more full quote without the missing words, maybe it would help us understand what the real message of Kimball was.  With that information, then maybe we can come to a conclusion concerning whether or not you are misrepresenting Kimball’s teaching.


Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

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