Kevin Deegan writes: The scripture says we shall be LIKE him. It does not say we shall be equal to him! That is what Mormonism teaches. There was another fellow that taught this too. His name is SATAN. Gen 3:5 "ye shall be AS gods"
Blainer:  Satan does tell the truth occasionally. 
Judy: I don't think so Blaine, Jesus said there is no truth in him, he has been a liar from the beginning.
Blaine: In fact his best weapon is when he pairs the truth with one of his lies, thus lending credibility to the lie.  He was actually doing exactly that in this instance.  The truth was, Adam and Eve would become as Gods, knowing good
from evil, but it was a lie when he said they would not surely die.
Judy: The whole thing was a lie, they became as demon gods and lost the image of the Godhead in which they were created - and as you noted they died spiritually and went from life to death.

Blaine: Haven't you ever seen politicians use this same device?  They do it all the time.  Political endorsements operate on the same principle--A well accepted popular politician allows his picture to be taken with a lesser known newbie, and people associate the old guy with the new one.  Thus the new guy rides into office on the coattails of the older officeholder,
despite the fact his experience is limited and his qualifications little known.
Judy: I don't pay much mind to politicians, but I'm not surprised.

> Why was it that after SATAN said "I will be like the Most High"
> Isaiah 14:14
> God says Is 14:15, that he will be brought down to hell instead.

> Where did he goe wrong if not in the same way as Mormonism

> Exaltation - "I will exalt"
> godhood - "I will be like"
> Eternal Progression - "I will ascend into heaven"
> The Mormons on TT are probably aware that Joseph Smith was heavily
> into Freemasonry among other things and this is where the lie
> originates
> because Freemasonry today represents the ancient mystery religions -
> In
> his book Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry author Albert Pike writes
> that the Prince of Mercy Degree makes Satan the creator and
> Freemasonry also teaches that we are all gods, so Joseph Smith was
> just
> teaching what he had been taught since he went through all of these
> degrees.

> The prophet Isaiah teaches that there were no gods before and there
> will
> be no gods after Jesus.  Mormonism teaches that god was a man who
> ascended into godhood so the Mormon religion is rooted in the lie
> and since
> there are Freemasons in leadership positions in many protestant
> churches
> (unless they take a stand against it) and the Government of the US
> is
> permeated with them - this is something we need to reckon with.  The
> cornerstones of many of the buildings in D.C. (including the Capitol
> itself)
> were layed by Freemasons.  So we should ask ourselves....

> Whose report will we believe? That of the Lord, or will we follow
> Israel's
> example and fall into apostasy and error?
> Grace and Peace,
> Judy

> Ruben wrote:  Then we arrive at Salt Lake city in the same fashion,
> where we exhort those that have perverted God, teaching that he was
> once
> like us.or we will be gods..HOW PERVERTED.

> Blaine:  I think this is purely a judgement call on Ruben's part. 
> There are many good scriptures showing  God allows us--wants us--
> to be like him. Here is one of them--I will try to find more
> tomorrow if needed:
> 1 John 3:2  "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth
> not yet appear what we shall be:  But we know that, when he shall
> appear,
> we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."

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