Is that sooo.....
No Authoratative Mormon Like an Apostle or General Authority?
Are you sure?


BlaineRB:  I THINK we agree here, but MAYBE NOT   No authoritative Mormon
ever taught THAT we intend to be equal with God, or the trinity, or
whatever you choose to call it.
Judy: I don't use the world trinity but some do.  That's interesting Blaine.
Then you don't believe that God was once a man and that men are on their
way to becoming gods?

We believe that Jesus Christ as the SON is subordinate to the FATHER, and
that we are and always will be subordinate to Both.  Things earthly are
like things heavenly--sons are subordinate to their fathers on earth, and
we are the sons of God, so to speak, as we look to Him and his perfect
model Son as our ideal models.
Judy: Jesus did say that the Father is greater than He but then the
scriptures also teach that all judgment has been given over to the Son so
at the end He is the one who must accept or reject us as one of His.
We believe we will be Gods in the sense that we will have access to all
power that is God's, to continue in eternity--as the parable of the prodigal
son suggests, the faithful son was given access to all that his father possessed. 
ACCESS is the key word, here--no LDS authority ever taught that we would
USURP God, as Satan wanted to do. 
Judy: The Prodigal's brother could not receive the inheritance even though
it was available to him because he was entertaining jealousy and envy and
was also in sin. God is holy and this is the requirement for anyone with hopes
of spending eternity with Him.  By His grace we must renewed our minds and
purify our hearts... as Paul wrote to Timothy "The goal of the instruction is
love from a pure heart...."  
Again, you are setting up little straw men to
knock over.  This is the lie MANY antiMormons perpetrate.  Talk about
Judy: Hold on Blaine, I didn't set up any straw men; I read this thing about
being gods in the writings of Joseph Smith and I don't consider myself anti
anything.  I am just pro Jesus of Nazareth .... the living Christ.
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 21:14:10 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> ***Hi Judy, It is always a delight to read your stuff, but you seem
> to be
> speaking more from traditional Christianity than from the original
> teachings of the Bible.  In Genesis (first book, second page, so you
> need
> not search too hard)ch1 verse  26 it uses the plural to tell us that
> :
> And God said, let US make man in OUR image after OUR likeness."
> Would you care to comment on what that means? 
> Hi Blaine:
> In Genesis 1:26 in the plural is Elohim or the Godhead. I don't use
> the
> word trinity because it is not scriptural. Godhead is and this
> consists
> of
> the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; they are not three Gods but
> three manifestations of the one true God.
> Judy
> On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 06:39:24 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > The Mormons on TT are probably aware that Joseph Smith was heavily
> > into Freemasonry among other things and this is where the lie
> > originates
> > because Freemasonry today represents the ancient mystery religions
> -
> > In
> > his book Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry author Albert Pike writes
> > that the Prince of Mercy Degree makes Satan the creator and
> > Freemasonry also teaches that we are all gods, so Joseph Smith was
> > just
> > teaching what he had been taught since he went through all of
> these
> > degrees.
> >
> > The prophet Isaiah teaches that there were no gods before and
> there
> > will
> > be no gods after Jesus.  Mormonism teaches that god was a man who
> > ascended into godhood so the Mormon religion is rooted in the lie
> > and
> > since
> > there are Freemasons in leadership positions in many protestant
> > churches
> > (unless they take a stand against it) and the Government of the US
> > is
> > permeated with them - this is something we need to reckon with. 
> The
> >
> > cornerstones of many of the buildings in D.C. (including the
> Capitol
> > itself)
> > were layed by Freemasons.  So we should ask ourselves....
> >
> > Whose report will we believe? That of the Lord, or will we follow
> > Israel's
> > example and fall into apostasy and error?
> > Grace and Peace,
> > Judy
> ***Hi Judy, It is always a delight to read your stuff, but you seem
> to be
> speaking more from traditional Christianity than from the original
> teachings of the Bible.  In Genesis (first book, second page, so you
> need
> not search too hard)ch1 verse  26 it uses the plural to tell us that
> :
> And God said, let US make man in OUR image after OUR likeness."
> Would you care to comment on what that means? 
> >
> >
> > Ruben wrote:  Then we arrive at Salt Lake city in the same
> fashion,
> > where we exhort those that have perverted God, teaching that he
> was
> > once
> > like us.or we will be gods..HOW PERVERTED.
> >
> > Blaine:  I think this is purely a judgement call on Ruben's part. 
> > There are many good scriptures showing  God allows us--wants us--
> > to be like him. Here is one of them--I will try to find more
> > tomorrow if
> > needed:
> > 1 John 3:2  "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth
> > not yet appear what we shall be:  But we know that, when he shall
> > appear,
> >
> > we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
> may
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> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
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