From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [Original Message]
> I hope you make some time to answer some of my posts along these lines.
> I think the sin lies with those who excommunicate believers for their
> theology rather than with someone like Judy who has a Mormon over for
> the holidays.  Please stick around long enough to talk about it, rather
> than just stating your position and running off.
Dean writes:
As In stated earlier-I will stay around awhile-when last I was here-I
answered/discussed these topic for over a year (Maybe 2)-How long would you
have me discuss the same issue? When have I ever spoken and run? If you
ever want me to come back to your site you have my e-mail address? But I am
limited on how much time I can spend with those of false doctrine.
Dean thinking you alone have ALL the "right" doctrine and that nothing YOU
believe is false is a point of pride because none of us have the whole loaf (all of
Jesus) we are all learners and we need each other. You bind ppl when you lock
them into their present state with no hope that they can or will ever change.  
We changed and hopefully are still changing as we walk this highway of holiness,
so why can't they, Lord willing?
The Mormon who is coming to our house for Christmas dinner is from
a poor family in the Solomon Islands, there are seven sons and the father is a
farmer there. This boy was raised 7th Day Adventist because those were the
first missionaries to come to his island and apparently the whole island pretty
much converted to that sect (I consider 7th Day Adventism to be legalistic and
cultish also) but God will use whatever is available. 
This boy rebelled for some years until the Mormons found him and gave him
hope for a future in the secular world.  He is studying at their University now.
I am not sure that he is permanently locked in to their theology but he practices
it for now, I see him as someone with potential for whom Christ died.
If God could knock the pharisee Saul off his horse and save him, if He could
follow me halfway around the world through years of vanity and pride not giving
up on me, then why should I give up on other seemingly hopeless cases? How
can I give up on people and cut them off, judging by outward appearance alone? 
Have you given a lot of prayer and thought to these issues Dean?  The NT
is not a rule book and His banner over us is love, it is impossible to love people
and reject them at the same time.
Grace and Peace,

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