How is God expressing that LOVE to those that are presently in HELL?
I once saw a tract that had a picture of Noah's Ark on the cover. There were people scattered in and treading water, all around the ark. On the side of the Ark, in BIG letters was written,  SMILE, God Loves you!

From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
If the below be true, how can Jesus tell the vast majority
of those He loved,"I never knew you.  Depart from me".
I wrote:  it is impossible to love people and reject them at the same time.
Grace and Peace,
** Jesus loved all of us enough to die for us which so far as I'm
concerned is genuine love.  He offers us eternal life on His terms not ours
and His terms are that we fulfill the law of Christ or 'royal law' which is "LOVE"
He says that if we love him we will do what He says (John 14:15,23)
He promises the crown of life to them that love him (James 1:12)
He promises the Kingdom to them that love Him (James 2:5)
Mark 12:30,31 says there is no commandment greater than LOVE
Luke 6:35,36 says that God is kind to the unthankful and to the evil.
Romans 13:10 says that love works no ill to anyone and love is the
fulfilling of God's Law
1 John 5:2,3 says - For this is the love of God that we keep
His commandments.
By the time Jesus tells these people who thought they were serving Him
'depart from me you who practice lawlessness' they will have had time to
get it together. It is our responsibility to search the scriptures and learn
what is expected of us.  No man got us into the Kingdom and no man can
kick us out.  But I don't believe many of us understand this kind of love
because it's spiritual and so we try to transpose what we have been used
to which is really no love at all, it is performance oriented acceptance.
Hope this makes what I'm trying to communicate a little clearer.
Grace and Peace,

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