Dean wrote:
> How about -"Time up- Hope you find God-it's over, 
> If you have a problem with doing this-give me the 
> Moderator role for a day-I believe you site would 
> grow as God has need of this type of site within 
> His guidelines of course.

I have no doubt that the number of members would grow with a highly
moderated list.  Most people like to mingle with people of the same
mind.  The largest lists I have been part of, which numbered well into
the thousands, were lists where the only information shared was what the
moderator went through and decided what was worthy to be posted.  This
meant that most posts that people made never made it to the list.  

My vision is not for that kind of list.  I like TruthTalk being open for
anyone to share what they have on their mind.  

The last time I offered you your own list.  Do you remember?  That offer
still stands.  I prefer to give you your own list, because I don't see
anything wrong with TruthTalk as it is.  I like TruthTalk.  

Ruben asked me to setup a debate list which as you know has been up for
some time now.  With Ruben's permission, I can make you the moderator of
the debate list and you can excommunicate all those Kill Abortionist
guys and do whatever else you think needs to be done.  If you would
rather start fresh with your own list, just tell me what you want to
call it and I will set it up for you. 

David Miller wrote:
>> I believe that it won't go away because the Lord is dealing 
>> with you to learn something here and you can't learn it if 
>> you don't press the issue.  By confronting this thing and 
>> dealing with it, some bit of knowledge is going to find a 
>> place in your mind and suddenly you will have understanding.  
>> You should not remove a rebuke (if that is even possible) 
>> just because someone asks you too, but rather you should
>> repent of a rebuke falsely given with an understanding of 
>> why you were wrong to give it.

Dean wrote:
> I don't feel I did wrong by giving the rebuke -
> as it is in agreement with the Bible-but I do 
> feel wrong that I backed off from the rebuke

I understand that, but from my perspective, the reason you are unsettled
now might be because you were wrong in that initial rebuke but have not
yet come to that understanding. 

Dean wrote:
> Hey Bro. I got an idea -lets' keep going the way 
> we are and its' bound to happen again-and wala-
> problem solved. And I promise not to weaken it down 
> one bit. (VBG)

I don't favor repeating mistakes or bad experiences.  As I said before,
if you feel the urge to set me or anyone else straight, and you can't do
it by attacking what is said but feel you must personally attack the
person, then contact them off this forum.  Don't drag everyone else into
the personal attack.  I still think you would do better to address the
issues and not get personal, but if you must do it because God has told
you to do it, what is wrong with doing it off this forum?

Think of it this way.  If God told you to march into the Mormon Temple
and yell out a rebuke, you know that you will be removed by authorities
and probably put in jail.  So if you obey God in that, you should feel
good about the known consequences of going to jail.  In other words, you
should not fault the Mormons or the police for putting you in jail when
you know the rules ahead of time and you choose to disobey them.  In the
same way, if you know the rules here and you break them and won't stop
after being reproved, you will be removed from this forum.  You should
be happy about that, not faulting those who have established the rules.
By the way, I continue to invite your discussion about the rule.  If it
is an unjust rule, make your case.  I think the rule facilitates good
discussion and that continues to be my position.

I once was driving to downtown to preach and I knew that the police were
going to arrest me that day.  I prayed about it and knew it would
happen.  When the police put the handcuffs on me, I did not fault them,
nor did I resist.  I submitted unto them as unto the Lord.  It was
nothing personal.  They were in the wrong to arrest me in this
particular situation and I knew it, but they didn't know they were
wrong.  They arrested me in ignorance, and the courts set them straight
later.  I pray that you have the same attitude when you feel put in the
position of having to break a rule.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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