Kevin wrote:
> ... To aid & abet this false hope of the LDS in any way 
> is a shame. The divide is infinitely wide & is an uncrossable 
> chasm! But with God all things are possible!

Hi Kevin.  I surely hope you understand that I agree with you on most of
your points.  Any differences I have regarding how you express the
problems with Mormonism are relatively minor.  

The real difference between us here is that you seem to think that I am
aiding and abetting Mormonism by agreeing with them that the Jesus of
the Bible is the Savior of the world.  You consider that a shame.  On
the other hand, I consider it a shame that you cannot agree with them
that the Jesus Christ of the Bible is the Jesus Christ who is the Savior
of the world.  I consider this an important point of agreement.

Certainly the Jesus they describe is different from the Jesus that you
and I describe.  Nevertheless, such has happened among Christians and
non-Christians for thousands of years.  It seems to me that only if we
act from a religious spirit, seeking to create lines of demarcation
between religions, would we be hesitant to agree with others that the
Jesus of the Bible is the Savior of the world.  Whether it is a Mormon
or a Muslim or Jew, anyone who says that the Jesus of the Bible is the
Savior of the world will get a hearty amen from me.  I think agreement
on this is helpful because it sends a message to others that no matter
what we disagree about, we agree that the Jesus of the Bible is the
Jesus who saves us, and that might compel others to read the Bible for
themselves and see who this Jesus is.  I'm convinced that a person who
actually obeys the Bible and walks in the doctrine of Christ will
understand the truth.  I believe that the Bible will lead such a person
into the truth they need to obtain salvation and a true knowledge of
Jesus Christ.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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