Dean wrote:
> Wesley to my understanding teaches that original sin was
> halted at the cross-and child baptism is proposed because 
> children sin ...

Read Wesley's writings a little more, Dean.  Wesley believed that we
appropriate that work of the cross through water baptism.  Wesley
believed baptism was necessary for salvation, very much like the Mormons
do.  He used the John 3 passage (born of water) just like the Mormons
do.  However, he differs from them because he argues for infant baptism
while they argue that infant baptism is wrong.  When he wrote that the
infants sin, he did not mean actual sin, but rather original sin (e.g.,
sinning in the manner of Rom. 5:14).  Wesley believed that original sin
is washed away through baptism, which is why he argued that we should
baptize infants.  If you would like me to look up some quotes from
Wesley that illustrate his beliefs on this, just let me know and I will
take some time to find them and post them for you and everyone else.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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