DaveH wrote:
> LDS theology does not teach that either Jesus or our 
> Father in Heaven have ever sinned.

I'm having trouble tracking with you.  You previously wrote the

DaveH wrote:
> How could A&E have sinned, IF they did not 
> know right from wrong?  Once they transgressed 
> by partaking of the forbidden fruit, they then 
> had acquired knowledge of 'good and evil' and 
> were capable of sinning.

So Adam and Even transgressed by partaking of the fruit.  Then they
became capable of sinning.  Maybe there is a semantic issue here, but if
the Father has knowledge of good and evil, this suggests that the Father
also transgressed in the past.  Is that correct?  Is that what you
believe?  Did someone give Father God a commandment which he then
transgressed and thereby came to know good and evil?

I shared some passages in another post which showed transgression and
sin to be the same.  I would like to see your response to that, but
assuming here that they are different, it still appears that there is a
problem in your answer here.  Maybe you can help me understand how you
are viewing this.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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