David Miller wrote:

> DaveH wrote:
> > LDS theology does not teach that either Jesus or our
> > Father in Heaven have ever sinned.
> I'm having trouble tracking with you.  You previously wrote the
> following:
> DaveH wrote:
> > How could A&E have sinned, IF they did not
> > know right from wrong?  Once they transgressed
> > by partaking of the forbidden fruit, they then
> > had acquired knowledge of 'good and evil' and
> > were capable of sinning.
> So Adam and Even transgressed by partaking of the fruit.  Then they
> became capable of sinning.  Maybe there is a semantic issue here, but if
> the Father has knowledge of good and evil, this suggests that the Father
> also transgressed in the past.  Is that correct?

DAVEH:  Not at all, DavidM.  As you know, you are using faulty logic to think that 
way.  (I suspect you are doing that to see if I cave in.)  If God knows the difference 
between good and evil, then he is capable of sinning in the sense that if he chooses
evil, he will then have committed a sin.  A&E did not know the difference between good 
and evil, therefore they transgressed but did not necessarily sin.  I assume you 
understand that line of logic?

> Is that what you
> believe?  Did someone give Father God a commandment which he then
> transgressed and thereby came to know good and evil?

DAVEH:  I am not aware of such.  My personal belief (speculation) is that God (The 
Father) was like his Son.....he did not transgress (as did Adam) or sin.  Just because 
I believe God was a man at one time, that does not mean he was a fallible man as was
Adam.  Just as I believe Jesus was a God before his birth, I believe his Father was a 
God and subsequently man in a similar manner.  Let me say it again......This is my 
personal belief and is based on speculation.  I don't know if Blaine has similar
thoughts or different.  To my knowledge, LDS theology does not draw any conclusions as 
I have.

> I shared some passages in another post which showed transgression and
> sin to be the same.

DAVEH:  Yes, and I thank you for being gentle!  I simply do not have enough time to 
even read all my posts, let alone respond to all of them.  I do want to respond to 
your previous post, but I have no idea of how I am going to respond.  This is new 
for me, and I need to do some pondering.

>  I would like to see your response to that, but
> assuming here that they are different, it still appears that there is a
> problem in your answer here.

DAVEH:  So far, I don't see a problem.......but who knows, I may be wrong.

>  Maybe you can help me understand how you
> are viewing this.

DAVEH:  I'm trying.......very trying, in Dean's view!   :-)

> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

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