Dean Moore
Fear God and keep His commandments/ trust Jesus
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 1/15/2004 8:30:21 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Testimony

Dean writes 1/15:
Terry you seem to forget-You attacked me and sought to get your pound of flesh and if I don't sit still and allow you to gnaw-then I have too much pride and shouldn't reply.You wish me to feel as if I am like Satan and prideful because I resist your attacks-that isn't going to work with me-so if you have something constructive to say to me do so -if not why keep this going?If you want the last word in this scrap-go ahead- or change the subject.If you want to hurt me and then run-do so-I will turn the other cheek-see now you have it turned-fire away.
No one attacked you, and no one wants to hurt you now as far as I know.  I simply wanted you to see yourself as others see you.  I thought maybe you would stop a minute and consider your actions.  Your above comments would be a good place to start.  Since you have never met me, how do you know what I am thinking?  Why in the world would I want you to feel like Satan?  I have no idea how Satan feels, and I did offer something constructive at the beginning.  I said get over it.  That meant I advise you to stop whining about people verbally abusing you while you verbally abuse Judy, DavidM, and now me.  Sit back and think about that!  You are not psychic.  You do not know what others think.  Even if you knew us well, you should get the beam out of your own eye before accusing us.
Maybe we both need to work a lot harder at loving our brother.
End of constructive criticism.
Dean writes:
 You have it backwards friend-Judy complained about me and the Ad. Hom rule. and I was lectured- I informed David that she has also done the same-she was told not to do this by David. Kevin asked me"why were you lectured and the Mormons allow to attack him".I thought it was a good question to ask David-I did and David lectured Kevin-and I protested Kevin's lecture-then you told me to get over it. To accuse me of pride is to accuse me of being like Satan-Pride was his downfall-Eze.28:17.So save you criticism for someone who is listening.

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