From: "Dean Moore" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You have it backwards friend-Judy complained about me 
and the Ad. Hom rule. and I was lectured- I informed David 
that she has also done the same-she was told not to do this 
by David. Kevin asked me"why were you lectured and the 
Mormons allow to attack him".I thought it was a good question 
to ask David-I did and David lectured Kevin-and I protested Kevin's 
lecture-then you told me to get over it. To accuse me of pride is 
to accuse me of being like Satan-Pride was his downfall-Eze.28:17.
So save you criticism for someone who is listening.

Wait a minute Dean - Please leave me out of this.  I did not
complain about you to the moderator and I have never attacked you
personally ever.  

The accusing spirits are at work in all of this.  Yes, I have spoken 
about public street preaching ministry in which you are involved
but public ministry is always open to be evaluated publicy and 
you should know this.

Please read and spend some time meditating on Psalm 119:165.

Grace and Peace,
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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