Blaine:  Ruben, I would like to describe in detail what they do in what they
call the washing and annointing rooms, but do not feel I should--not because
it is so much a secret, it is just a sacred ordinance.

What is it, with the touchy feely stuff?  This is not the doctor Laura
show.this is TRUTH TALK.  Take it like a man.."washing and anointing rooms"
??  Well OK, now we are getting somewhere..oh.there you go again, talking
that feely stuff..can we just stick to the oil issue without getting so
emotional?  We were almost there!!  Alright, now we are shedding light in
this darken area, so we have one washing room and one anointing room, which
you consider sacred ordinance?

The part with the oil is very similar to what is described in the Book of
Samuel wherein David was annointed to be King over Israel.  Not to much
there to complain about was there?

(raising my hand up to ask a question)
Just so we are on the same page, are we talking about 1Samuel 16 here?
Where we find this *anointing* was done by a *prophet* outside and *not in a
temple* to ordain David *king* and at that point the *Spirit of God came
upon* David?  Then we read further when this type of anointing went on (that
you used as an example) that "evil spirits" are get this..sent
from God.  So you use that text and you wonder why we think what we do, JUST

But I can say men are NEVER allowed in the washing and annointing rooms with
women, nor are women ever allowed in with men.  AND there are always two
witnesses to everything that is done.  My wife and I have been there many
times, and I know precisely what is and what is not done.

This is fine, if you believe that God dwells in a man made building but you
do understand we do live in the New Testament and I hope you find something
in the Epistles about washing and anointing rooms in a temple?  After the
resurrection of Jesus, where as our lamb of God, we now have the Holy Ghost
within not upon us, coupled with the written Word.  Call me old fashion, but
if you wish to win me/us over try giving us something written from
Paul/Peter/James to the Churches.

If you prefer not to take my word for it, then the only thing I can
recommend is that you figure out a way to spy on us! (:>)

Sorry guys, I travel often.  Your church/city/State only get me three times
a year, so I do not have the time to spy.  So I do the next best thing, I
ask questions and what happens.weddings explode, media blows it way out of
proportion, your mayor gets upset at us, your church believes we call every
woman a whore and now your city wants to make laws against us.  What's a
street preacher to do??   If we speculate you mock us, if we ask questions
you hate us..what's a street preacher to do??

I can  tell you also that there is a special, sacred spirit in those rooms.
Some have testified they saw the spirits of those whose work was being done.
I always feel renewed after being in one.  It is better than being in church
singing hymns.

Please do tell us more about these spirits.inquiring minds want to know?
Better than hymns?

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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