Blaine:  I know infant baptism was almost universal among European
Protestant denominations. .  I was in charge of the names extraction program
in my old LDS Stake, and I had to audit the work done by other extractors,
which included records from almost every Protestant denomination in Europe.
The Christening date is unerringly there--if you doubt this, go to any
family history library and select a few records at random.  You will see
what I mean.  In fact, I often used the Christening date to determine age
and etc., if I could not find a birth date, because the two dates were
almost always less than a couple of weeks apart--infants!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 8:19 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Adams FALL UPWARD

> >From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Adams FALL UPWARD
> >Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 14:34:56 -0500
> >
> >Blaine wrote:
> > >> The Protestant doctrine as I have always understood it
> > >> is that men both inherit the potential for sin, and are
> > >> born with that sin upon them, therefore having need of
> > >> Baptism for the remission of that sin.
> >
> >Perry wrote:
> > > This is where you have it wrong...protestants believe
> > > only in #2.
> >
> >DavidM wrote: Perry, there are Protestants who believe in infant baptism.
> >For example, this position is held by Methodists, Lutherans,
> >and Presbyterians.  The main original reformers, such as Martin Luther
> >John Calvin, strongly believed in infant baptism.
> >
> >I did a quick search and found the following link to a John Calvin's
> >position:
> Perry wrote: In other posts on the same topic I said "most" or "almost
> when talking about these beliefs, but erred in saying "all" above.
> I think it iimportant that Blaine understand that not all protestants
> practice infant baptism. How about the Baptists. I would guess not. Would
> you say "most" christians do not believe in infant baptism? Do you know
> percentage those churches comprise of the protestant churches?
> Having left the church behind in 1968, I returned around 1992. Since then
> have attended primarily non-denominational and evangelical chuirches, none
> of which have practiced, or believe essential, or even biblical, infant
> baptism. I believe that, too.
> >I also found some of Martin Luther's writings on infant baptism at:
> >
> >and
> >
> >htm
> >
> >It seems to me that Judy does not believe in #2 version of Original Sin.
> >She said that Jesus would be guilty if he had any inheritance from Adam.
> >She has expressed agreement with number 2, but her comments do not seem
> >to follow that.  I cannot find any logical consistency in her comments
> >to really know at this time exactly what she believes about original sin
> >and guilt.
> >
> >Judy also has introduced a term, "spiritual inheritance" from Adam.
> >This needs further explanation as I only perceive in physical
> >inheritance from Adam and nothing spiritual at all.  I hope she
> >addresses this because I have a hard time following her dialogue and
> >responding at this time.
> >
> >Peace be with you.
> >David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> >
> >----------
> >"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
> >know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> >
> >
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