From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy USED to write reasonable, rational things, whatever happened,
Judy?  I hate to say this, but  lately it  seems to me you are trying to
please .  . uh, Kevin?  Kevin, do you consider  Judy to be  in your hind
pocket?    Or,  .  .   Judy, what do you think?  I will accept your
commentary as being the final word on this.

Not my COMMENTARY Blaine - God's Word and NO I don't really expect 
you to accept that either.

I am noticing what some of the others who had been here longer were 
saying when I first joined TT and that is that you "Mormon boys" 
as you call yourselves do not have a heart that is open to Truth and I
have the same question they asked which is:  Why are you here?  

You are just not interested and appear to be quite content with your 
man-made structure and locked into it's false doctrine along with all
the trappings. This makes you unavailable to God and deaf to anything 
we would have to say because as the old saying goes "A man convinced
against his will is of the same opinion still."

I don't want to be unkind or rude but man pleasing is not my forte,
and I am presently asking the one I serve if I am wasting his time.

Life is short and Truth is precious.


> From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Blaine wrote:
> The Protestant doctrine as I have always understood it
> is that men both inherit the potential for sin, and are
>  born with that sin upon them, therefore having need of
>  Baptism for the remission of that sin.
> Perry wrote:
> This is where you have it wrong...protestants believe
>  only in #2.
> DavidM:
> Perry, there are Protestants who believe in infant baptism. For
> this position is held by Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians and
> Presbyterians.  The main original reformers, such as Martin Luther and
> John Calvin, strongly believed in infant baptism.
> Judy:
> Both Martin Luther and John Calvin were fresh out of the RCC
> at the time of the Protestant Reformation and some of this ritual
> stuck.
> DavidM:
> It seems to me that Judy does not believe in #2 version of Original
> She said that Jesus would be guilty if he had any inheritance from
> Judy:
> Big IF there DavidM. I don't believe Jesus was born with a spiritual
> inheritance in the first Adam.
> DavidM:
> She has expressed agreement with number 2, but her comments do
> not seem to follow that.  I cannot find any logical consistency in her
> comments to really know at this time exactly what she believes about
> original sin and guilt.
> Judy:
> I fail to see why logic is so important here. I would think consistency
> with scriptural truth would be of paramount importance in this
> discussion.
> DavidM:
> Judy also has introduced a term, "spiritual inheritance" from
> Adam. This needs further explanation as I only perceive in physical
> inheritance from Adam and nothing spiritual at all.
> Judy:
> What can I say? I was under the impression we were dealing with
> spiritual realities here.  After all deception is a spiritual condition
> is
> it not.  Eve was deceived by the wrong spirit and Adam took no stand
> but rather chose to go along with her.  God is Spirit, satan is spirit.
> We are discussing the spirit of truth vs the spirit of error are we
> Sure the first Adam was created a living soul but the second Adam is
> a life-giving Spirit because the need is a spiritual one.
> "We have received the spirit which is of God that we might know
> the things that are freely given to us of God which things also we
> speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the
> Holy Ghost teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual."
> (1 Corinthians 2:12-14)
> Grace and Peace,
> Judy
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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