Here is an email from a Mormon defender of the faith.
Maybe this explains why LDS can not preach...
For years now i have been going to SLC for the mormons General
Conference. Every time, i see young street preachers out with signs, and temple
gaurments in hand. AND what do i see, i see young and old street
preachers yelling at people, calling women whores and harlets. Saying to 5
year old girls they are going to burn in the eternety of hell. Come on.
This is the word of god?????????? You dont go to some other church's
events, to yell at them and call them whores. And waveing our Temple Guarments around, blowing your noses, and wipping your behinds with them, COME ON!!!!!!!!!  Would you want your children going through that????        Would god do that?????? NO . But you think mormons have a different god, but they dont, a different  view of god, but still the same god.
                            Sir, stop sending youngsters to SLC to preach againts our church. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a friendly church. We dont want a war with you or any other street preacher group. Sir, i pray that one day you will accept our religion, and accept our views or the lord. . Soon you Street preachers with get worse and worse. Set some guide  lines at least. Or something like that. Whats next,  them actually throughing stuff at the crowd of mormons. You know something funny though, you draw more attention to our religion than yours. People think " Well since there are people yelling at them for what the believe, it must be worth reading". You are actualy helping us gain more people in our church than stopping us. We dont want a war. I am not an officail of the church. I am an insider so to speak. I am one of those people who try and prevent wars and outbreaks of crap when they could be stopped. And you will not hurt innocent Latter day saints any more. Please, seeing a 5 year old cry because a 29 year old told her she was going to hell, come on. Please take this into consideration. Thank you.
Jeff of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
PS- I will no longer stand by and watch the young members of our church, be hurt by your Street preachers. It has to stop, and it has to now, before it gets out of hand, and some one on either our side or yours, gets physicly hurt! Please except our religion, and leave us be.

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