Are you hoping that this would fly right by us groping Gentiles?
Blaine are you mocking TTer's again in LDS "Mormonease" Code talk?
What to fill them in or should I?

Blaine Borrowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Adams FALL UPWARD

 Blaine:  Scroll down--all the way to the bottom.   

Blaine Borrowman wrote:

Blaine:  Thanks for your usual,  reasonable, logical, calm  response,
DAVEH:  Thanx, Blaine.
Yes, you have stated many times that you are here to learn .
DAVEH:  FTR again.....I'm here to learn what others believe, and why they believe it.
 I could hardly
fail to notice, however, that you have repeatedly been forced to defend your
own religio--and your personal self--
DAVEH:   I think that is par for the course.  This Forum is not necessarily adversarial friendly, despite it's foundational purpose which was supposed to be a venue for many diverse and divergent opinions.
for that matter, from
aggressive/antagonistic remarks made by  some TT'rs, as have I.  You have
also answered questions posed by others about your Mormon religion, as have
I.  And when the answers fall on bigoted  ears, and attempts are afterwards
made to belittle and discredit your and my answers,
DAVEH:  I understand that and am not too bothered by I said, it is par for the course.  What I really find interesting though is even after I explain myself (perspective), many do not want to accept what I've said, but would rather prefer to believe their preconceived notions about what they think I believe.  Then they tell me that I am dishonest in my explanation.  I can't quite figure out why they feel the need to do it does strike me as being very curious!
it does not make for a
situation of mutual trust, respect or understanding.  I too wonder why some
of these people are here.
DAVEH:  Perhaps it is mutual support.
I wonder why I am here.
DAVEH:  Perhaps it is mutual support!   LOL
This is TT, or
TruthTalk, supposedly, but I have yet to see many here who really are
interested in truth--mostly it has been attempt after attempt to bloody our
DAVEH:  I don't know how many TTers there are in total, but I think it is relatively few who enjoy drawing blood.  The question I ponder is whether the remainder are enjoying the event as entertainment in the same fashion as those who went to the Coliseum to watch the Christians being fed to the lions....
That is my perception, and it seems lately with DavidM's more
objective influence on the wane, it has gotten worse.
DAVEH: are rather new here, Blaine.  In some respects it is a bit harsher at times, but it was no picnic 4 years ago either.  If you can't stand the heat Blaine, TT can be a rather warm place to rest your feet!
Blaine:  Don't take me wrong, I am not building a case to leave TT.  I am just complaining, hoping someone will take note and learn from it.   Your additional clarifications are mucho appreciated, too.  
   I hope to continue  holding to the iron rod,  as I continue to grope my way through the cloud in the dark and dreary wilderness, despite the heat I get  from those in the great and spacious building. (:>) 
  My reward will be to know that the  allegory (?)  I am alluding to was based upon reality, not fiction.  Being on TT has that effect on one.   You probably understand that better than I do, right?  I never went on a Proselyting mission, so I need the heat to catch up.  I may be suffering from a compulsive need to test myself in the crucible of fire, or maybe I just need something to exercise my brain.  Either way, I am in it, and plan to stay.  If TT'rs can dish out heat, they should be able to take it.  That's the axiom we went by when I was growing up.  My older brother was expecially good at dishing it out, so it is not entirely new to me despite not having been on TT for all that long.  For the most part, it is fun more often than not.  But, yes, mutual support is where it is all at. 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Adams FALL UPWARD

> >
> > I am noticing what some of the others who had been here longer were
> > saying when I first joined TT and that is that you "Mormon boys"
> > as you call yourselves do not have a heart that is open to Truth and I
> > have the same question they asked which is:  Why are you here?
> DAVEH:  Excuse me for intruding on your response to Blaine, Judy, but I
perceived you implied to include me in your above question by using the
plural form of boys.  FTR.....I have often times stated I am very content
with my LDS biased beliefs.  I have
> further stated that I am not in TT to learn truth, but rather have an
interest here in learning what you (Protestants) believe and why you believe
such.  Why this surprises you or any other TTer is beyond me, as I have
tried to make my intentions clear
> from the beginning.  Apparently there are a lot of TTers who simply do not
believe what I say.
>     As for why Blaine is here, I can't speak to that except to say that I
invited him.
> > You are just not interested and appear to be quite content with your
> > man-made structure and locked into it's false doctrine along with all
> > the trappings. This makes you unavailable to God and deaf to anything
> > we would have to say because as the old saying goes "A man convinced
> > against his will is of the same opinion still."
> >
> > I don't want to be unkind or rude but man pleasing is not my forte,
> > and I am presently asking the one I serve if I am wasting his time.
> >
> > Life is short and Truth is precious.
> >
> > Judy

 Dave Hansen
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