Thank you for your words, Terry. Point well taken. I will try to season my words with the salt of our Lord. Again, Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Please hear me out before ousting me.

Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Please hear me out before ousting me.

jt: Why do you approach me as an enemy just because I speak what I believe on this list Mr. Bill?  Also why would you imply that I would oust you even if I had the authority to do so?  Such assumptions....
BT : Well, Judy, maybe it's because you do not dialogue, you speak from high above us. Ask the others. I think you might be amazed by my assumptions.
Speaking as only one of the others, let me say this.  I understand Judy when she communicates.  Most of the time I even agree with what she says, but not always.  Sometimes we butt heads, but she is my sister and I love and respect her even when we do not agree.  That does not mean that I will not come down on her when I think she is in erroe, and she will respond in a like manner when she sees error in my posts. 
I like to think that I have somewhat the same relationship with everyone on this list, but for some reason I do not have that with you.  This is probably my fault, as I do not know you well, and cannot hear how earnest your  written word is, nor note the inflections in your voice.  Based on what you have said here however, I get the feeling that you are not here to glorify God, but to show how much you know and how educated you are.  I know that those words hurt, and I hope that I am wrong.  But just in case I am even partly right, you might take a look in the mirror before suggesting that Judy has the superior attitude.
For what it's worth.

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