Jesus, by His suffering, purchased merit which was delivered to the Catholic Church for dispensing thru the 7 SACRAMENTS, to the faithful:

"The film is unrelentingly violent. It's blood-soaked. Jesus gets so whipped you can see his ribs, blood spatters all over the cobblestones, and the sound is frighteningly
realistic. And it doesn't stop after a pivotal scene or two -- it goes on and on and on.
Non-stop violence. ... He drags the cross while enduring more whipping. There's a trail of blood on the ground behind him. He falls, gets up, falls, gets up, falls, over and over. ...  When it comes to the crucifixion, Jesus doesn't just get his hands nailed to a cross, no -- once he's nailed to the cross the Romans flip the cross over and Jesus lands face first into the ground. Finally they prop up the cross and he dies pretty quickly after that..."
More comments by Catholics that were placed on the web site:

"It is also a very Catholic film. It is, in essence, a filming of the Stations of the Cross.
It also has a strong emphasis on Mary and the Eucharist."

"As the author above said, the movie is profoundly Eucharistic. Mel has woven the Last Supper together with the actions of the Passion in a very similar manner to the way that old Catholic devotional books used to do." [He does this by a flashback to the Last Supper during the beginning of crucifixion, when Jesus is raised up on the cross.]
Same devotional you use?

"The other thing about the movie is how Marian it is. You go through the whole thing at the side of Mary with John and Magdalene. You see a lot of the action through her eyes. She goes every step f the way of the cross and really suffers with Him. At the end, she holds her Son's dead Body and looks straight into the camera and right through into the core of your own soul. Her gesture seems to offer Him to you personally."
See at St Peters Vatican

"The flashbacks used throughout the motion picture were perfectly placed, and they served to beautifully emphasize our Blessed Mother's role as Mediatrix, the Eucharist, the Holy Ghost, and many other crucial aspects of our Faith."

I bet you could find value in a Roman catholic mass too!

Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Maybe you need a smack.

"Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In regards to my statement, "Okay, Judy, I'll turn my other cheek."
Judy, I am amazed, too. I am amazed, almost to the point of awe, at your knowledge of Scripture. You have obviously spent many thousands of hours in the Word, such recall, always so close to the tip of your fingers. Don't squander your wealth. Don't use your knowledge to lord it over people. Patience, charity, kindness, try these things. I did not call you my enemy, Judy. But when I step towards you, every time it feels like I am saying, Here is my cheek; go ahead, smack the hell out of it. I think when Jesus said this, he had enemies in mind. How can I know you are my sister, when all you do is smack me around?
----- Original Message -----
From: Wm. Taylor
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Please hear me out before ousting me.

jt: Why do you approach me as an enemy just because I speak what I believe on this list Mr. Bill?  Also why would you imply that I would oust you even if I had the authority to do so?  Such assumptions....
BT : Well, Judy, maybe it's because you do not dialogue, you speak from high above us. Ask the others. I think you might be amazed by my assumptions.

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