Seems that lately anyone that says anything negative about the passion movie is ANTI Christian. It is like attacking the POPE or something.

Charles Perry Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Terry, you wrote to Kevin: "You even condemned a movie before knowing
>anything about it except that it was made by a Catholic. Now,even with the
>help of a trailer and a little PR, you still have very little idea of what
>the movie is like because you haven't even bothered to see it before
>judging it, but feel you have the right to condemn that too, in spite of
>your ignorance."

I must say that I am in the same camp as Kevin with respect to not seeing
Mel Gibson's movie. My position is that it is not "the Passion" is an
RCC commentary about "the Passion".

This is not an assumption on my part...Mel Gibson has admitted such, and
many critics and commentary writers have seen the movie and written about it
and what it shows and what it depicts, and from whose point of view.

If I wanted to read or see a commentary on the passion, I would (and
have) read the Bible version...God has written what he wants us to know. I
would not go out and buy or see one written from the RCC point of view. The
only exception would be if I was doing research on those points of view, but
I am not. And, no, I do not have to go see the movie just to decide if I
want to see it. That is like saying I have to kill someone to know I
shouldn't kill someone. I can read commentaries and critiques of the movie
and independently decide that I do not want to see it.

To be honest, I am really a bit shocked that thel Christian community is
making such a big fuss over the movie. I have not read any reviews from the
reformed camp, though, and wonder how they view the movie.


>From: "Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Please hear me out before ousting me.
>Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 06:48:08 -0600
>Let us say for starters that you do not mean them. You are well aware that
>this does not depict your judgmental mind set. I have never ever seen a
>of love in anything that you have written.. You may have a book about the
>Mormons that allows you, in your own mind, to speak as an expert on their
>plight. You may have a personal relationship with someone on here that
>allows you to make a more accurate assessment of that person. To the best
>my recollection though, we have never met, yet you condemn me and others,
>my opinion, while you are operating in total ignorance. You even condemned
>movie before knowing anything about it except that it was made by a
>Catholic. Now,even with the help of a trailer and a little PR, you still
>have very little idea of what the movie is like because you haven't even
>bothered to see it before judging it, but feel you have the right to
>that too, in spite of your ignorance. When you run your mouth, with
>or no information, just to hear yourself, those are idle words, and we will
>all be judged for that. You are no exception.
>That's the way I see it. Tell me where I'm wrong.
> In what way are these idle words?
> Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Careful Kevin. Someday we have to give account for every idle word.
> Terry
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Kevin Deegan
> Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 7:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Please hear me out before ousting me.
> Yeah Judy I want to put my two cents in.
> What you need to do is loosen up. You are too rigid. You need to
>be so Caustic. How about a little meekness? The Sarcasm HAS GOT TO GO! And
>when you have someone against the ropes, please give them some mercy &
>space. the negatavism is sure to turn others off, they will never gat
> This is why I am here, I think we all agree I am the epitomy of
>these virtues!
> Please watch closely, see how genteel I am, especially with the
>You know I am a big believer in building bridges with the Lost. Let's try
>and find some areas of commonality between true believers and the workers
> Do as I do; not as I say!
> I hope this helps,
> God loves you and has a wonderful plan for you.
> Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In regards to my statement, "Okay, Judy, I'll turn my other
> Judy, I am amazed, too. I am amazed, almost to the point of awe,
>at your
> knowledge of Scripture. You have obviously spent many thousands
> in the Word, such recall, always so close to the tip of your
>fingers. Don't
> squander your wealth. Don't use your knowledge to lord it over
> Patience, charity, kindness, try these things. I did not call
>my enemy,
> Judy. But when I step towards you, every time it feels like I am
> Here is my cheek; go ahead, smack the hell out of it. I think
> said this, he had enemies in mind. How can I know you are my
> when all you do is smack me around?
> JT: I do and have spent a lot of time in God's Word Bill and
>is what I come together with
> other believers to fellowship around. However, I am not proud
>about it and I don't have the whole
> loaf. I need other believers and they need me - this is how the
>body of Christ works. I still don't
> understand why you feel so personally affronted since it is not
>heart to smack you or
> anyone around. Are we both in pursuit of truth here? On my part
>could reply that you don't
> ever respond to what I write ... you just appear to come at it
>from another angle to try to
> further prove what you have already said using logic and other
>extra biblical philosophies.
> Is it possible for you to show me where you are at by scripture
>without feeling threatened?
> judyt
> God allows the devil to raise up heretics
> to make his people study
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Wm. Taylor
> Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 6:11 AM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Please hear me out before ousting me.
> jt: Why do you approach me as an enemy just because I speak
>I believe on this list Mr. Bill? Also why would you imply that I would
>you even if I had the authority to do so? Such assumptions....
> BT : Well, Judy, maybe it's because you do not dialogue, you
>speak from high above us. Ask the others. I think you might be amazed by my
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