WT says I for one can attest to the fact
See Blaine you need to listen up we have 2 witnesses here William & Lance

"Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Lance, welcome to the neighborhood. I like what Torrance says. I for one can attest to the fact that it is truly in times of deep conflict that I become most aware of my beliefs. It is also in these times that I find out whether I have consistently thought through my beliefs -- that is, are they consistent enough to withstand the scrutiny of crisis? I do not like these times. Sometimes they make me aware of things I didn't even know I believed; sometimes they force me to change my mind. But I have found this to be true: each time I come through crisis, I am made aware that I have been made stronger; and without hesitation I say that through each crisis, God remains faithful. I am closer to him for it.
I look forward to hearing from you often. Thanks for the post. And I think you are asking the right question. Do you care to weigh in on where you stand?
----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 8:42 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Questions set the tone

The deepest questions are those which penetrate to our ultimate assumptions or beliefs and which exercise a regulative control over our knowledge in any sphere. These are questions as to the framework of thought with which we operate and, from which we put our questions. They are questions as to the hidden preconceptions of which we may not be properly aware. We all operate with regulative beliefs of this kind which are tacit and informal. They are not normally noticed and they operate axiomatically in our interpretive framework. Their power over us is in proportion to the fact that they are tacit and they are axiomatically held. BUT WHENEVER A CRISIS ARRIVES, whenever deep conflicts in opposing frameworks of thought arise, then our unconscious assumptions, our latent beliefs, are suddenly thrust to the surface and we are forced to think them out. UNLESS WE BELIEVE WE WILL NOT UNDERSTAND and it's only if we believe that we will understand. There is no understanding without the commitment of the mind to objective reality and to its natural or intrinsic intelligibility. (TFTorrance) Indeed, what nature did Christ assume at His Incarnation....? Lance 

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