David Miller wrote:
DaveH wrote:
That would then open the door to the Reformers 
claiming they were the answer to Biblical prophecy.  
Yet I don't recall any Protestants making such a claim.  
I'm curious as to why they don't adopt this scenario.  
By not seeing it from this perspective, it seems to me 
they leave the field exclusively open to folks (like 
the LDS) who do claim to fulfill Biblical prophecy.

Many Protestants did take this perspective.  In fact, we have discussed
before how the Stone-Campbell movement was a restoration movement of the
19th century that Joseph Smith borrowed from,
DAVEH:  Yes, thank you....I had forgotten that you had previously mentioned such.  I was thinking a little earlier than that though....back at the time of Luther, Wesley, et al.  Was SC the first to adopt that thinking, or was it commonly perceived prior to them? 

    How about now.....are there Biblical reasons why Protestants don't think along such lines?
 even taking the same name
as them for his church, "the church of Christ."

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.


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