From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy, you wouldn't even know the word "person" were it not for the early fathers.
It didn't exist before them. They are the ones who invented it.
jt: Oh? And did the Nicene Fathers also come up with Colossians 2:3 also?
Why can't you be glad they created it? By coining the word, they gave you a gift:
the ability to say things about God that could otherwise only be intuited.
jt: Bill we need to give credit where credit is due. I am using spiritual words
to communicate spiritual truths and both of these come to me by way of
the Holy Spirit. Not the Nicene Fathers.
Please, Judy, I'm not the enemy. The early fathers are not the enemy.
We are your brothers. We love you. Let us shower you with gifts. 
jt: I'm aware that my warfare is not with flesh and blood Bill so I don't count
you as an enemy even when we are not in agreement.

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dear Kevin and Judy,
We are having problems communicating because of two faulty assumptions.
Following are two assumptions that need to be examined:
1.  Does God's Word equal The Bible?  My answer:  No. 
jt: My question then is, where are you going to find it then? Where IYO
is the present day Sanhedrin seated?
The Bible is God's Word, but God's Word is not the Bible. God's Word
includes much more than the Bible.
jt: Would you say that God's Word is a person? and would you believe this
independent of the Nicene Fathers?
The problem here is that when you read in the Bible, "the Word" or "the
Word of God," you automatically think it is talking about the Bible. It
is not.  The Bible did not even exist when these words were written
jt: What about "scriptures" - did the scriptures exist when these words
were written?
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).
This does not mean that faith comes by reading the Bible, but I suspect
that you both have this in mind when you read this passage.  The Word of
God in this passage refers to the oral word of God, not the written word
of God.  It refers to the Word of God spoken by a man preaching the
gospel under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. 
jt: Would you say the apostle Paul is one of these men who spoke the
Word of God publicly?  If so then why would he call the Bereans more
honorable because they checked his preaching/teaching by the written
Word daily? [Acts17:11]
Think about it.  The passage cannot possibly mean "reading the Bible"
or even someone else reading the Bible for you.
jt: Why not?  Jesus said His Words are spirit and they are life; and I
for one, believe him and have found them to be more trustworthy
between the covers of my Bible than from the mouths of some speakers.
2.  There is a difference between my use of the phrase "PRIMARY SOURCE"
and the word "AUTHORITY."  The Bible is an authority FOR THIS EARTH,
but it is NOT a primary source.  The Bible itself teaches this in many
places, including the passages already shared.  If you want more
explanation, I will be glad to answer questions asked by those who are
jt: Whether or not you consider the Bible to be a primary source David,
it is what God has given to reveal Himself to us. Jesus told the ppl
in the first century that if they would not believe Moses and the prophets
they would not believe though one rose from the dead. You may see
the Holy Spirit as primary source but He is the one who works with
rather than against scripture to lead us into ALL truth.
Kevin asked for another authority other than the Bible.  The Bible
itself teaches that the church is the pillar and ground of the truth (1
Tim. 3:15).  That makes the church an authority too.  There are other
authorities mentioned by the Bible.  If anyone is interested, just ask
about it.  It's all in the Bible, but even those who study the Bible the
hardest seem to miss it.
jt: The Church are the ones who do the will of the Father - and how
do we know the will of the Father? I've seen ppl following spirits
they claim is the holy spirit and I've heard more heresy from the
pulpits around.  You are teaching against being Berean David and
your personal belief appears to me to be more along the lines of
tradition, mysticism and RC'ism.

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study

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