Leviticus 17:11,14 states for the life of the flesh is in the blood” Since the life of man is in his blood and man must die because of sin, it can be stated that there is death in the blood.

The very fact that sin affected the blood of man (his life) necessitated the virgin birth of Christ if He was to be a son of Adam and yet a sinless man. For this reason, Christ could partake of Adam’s flesh, which is not inherently sinful, but He could not partake of Adam’s blood, which was completely sinful. Because he had not one drop of Adam’s blood in His veins, He did not share Adam’s sin.

It is a medical fact that from the time of conception to the time of birth not one single drop of blood ever passes from the mother to the child or from child to mother.

From: Dr. Liley, the "Father of Fetology [quote]

Dr. Liley, who did the first fetal blood transfusion in the womb, said that seven days after fertilization: ". . . the young individual, in command of his environment and destiny with a tenacious purpose, implants in the spongy lining and with a display of physiological power, suppresses his mother’s menstrual period. This is his home for the next 270 days and to make it habitable, the embryo develops a placenta and a protective capsule of fluid for himself. He also solves, single-handed, the homograft problem, that dazzling feat by which foetus and mother, although immunological foreigners who could not exchange skin grafts NOR safely receive blood from each other, nevertheless tolerate each other in parabiosis for nine months. [end quote]

The blood comes from their father at the time of conception, and thus it is the father who gives life (the blood) to the child at conception. That’s why the bible says the father begets (gives life to) and the mother bares (carries and gives birth to).

In Hebrews 2:14 we read, “forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself took part of the same….” The Greek word for “partakers” is koynoneho, and means “to share fully,” so all of Adam’s children share fully in Adam’s flesh and blood.

When we read that Jesus “took part of the same,” the word is metecho, which means “to take part but not all” The children take both flesh and blood of Adam, but Christ took only part, that is, the flesh part, whereas the blood was the result of supernatural conception.


God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study



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