Check out the site for Perichoresis (one in Mississippi, one in Australia). This "conversation" is at the very center (pun intended) of what they're about. You may or, may not agree but, you won't have to re-invent the wheel.I've heard ALL their lectures and, I've read all the literature. I've hosted 5 years of conferences with the folks from Mississippi (C. Baxter Kruger & friends) Though I don't worship at the "Krugerian" altar, I'd highly recommend checking this out. RSVP if you do. Thanks, Lance 
Sent: March 14, 2004 07:31
Subject: [TruthTalk] The Incarnation

jt: I want to know if Vincent is aware that there are two kinds of flesh;
so it is not the physical body only even though it is the same Greek word
for both and the same # in Strongs Concordance.
vince: Are we not discussing the physical body, the one which Jesus got
from Mary? When you said the flesh is inherently without sin, to which
(notice the nifty grammar!) flesh are you referring? The scriptures which
I cited earlier make it clear, imho, that there is a sinful nature inherited
from Adam and Eve residing in our mortal flesh. Are you disagreeing
with that?
jt: Only in the incarnation because the Lord Jesus Christ had a body
"prepared" for Him in the womb of Mary and he was "holy" which is to
say sinless from the start. We are not because we have an inheritance in
the first Adam.
Sin is a spiritual problem; our mortal flesh (body) can show the
evidence and ravages of sin but an inanimate body is basically not the 
problem. If it were then the mock crucifixions and flagellations some
get involved in would do some good but they don't (see Col 2:23).
In Col 3:2 when Paul says "ye are dead" he is obviously not speaking
about the physical body.. and what does he mean in vs.5 when he says
"mortify your members?"  vs.8 Put off the old man with his deeds...
vs.12 Put on (as the elect of God), holy and beloved...
Jesus was born holy and beloved, we have to put off some stuff and
then put on some things...

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study

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