Judy wrote:
> Leviticus 17:11,14 states for the life of the flesh 
> is in the blood" Since the life of man is in his blood 
> and man must die because of sin, it can be stated that 
> there is death in the blood.  

I'm not sure about your logical process here that arrives at this
conclusion, but I do, nevertheless, agree with your conclusion.  The
blood may have genetic abnormalities and also experience sickness and
disease, and ultimately die.  Therefore, there exists in the blood both
life and death.  Literally, the Scriptures say that the "soul" is in the
blood, which is the word translated life.  I think this points to the
soul existing and interfacing with the flesh through the blood rather
than the neural tissue of the brain.

Judy wrote:
> The very fact that sin affected the blood of man 
> (his life) necessitated the virgin birth of Christ 
> if He was to be a son of Adam and yet a sinless man. 

This is where I disagree with you.  You argue from the premise that
Christ cannot have had any experience with weakness within him, and in
tautological fashion you reason back to the conclusion which you already
hold to be true.

Judy wrote:
> For this reason, Christ could partake of Adam's flesh, 
> which is not inherently sinful, but He could not partake 
> of Adam's blood, which was completely sinful. 

Suddenly you leap to the concept of "completely sinful blood."  I have
no idea what you mean by that.  How can blood possibly be sinful?
Behavior comes from our brain not our blood.  Sin pertains to behavior.

Jesus said that the flesh profits nothing, and even what you eat does
not determine your moral state before God.  Jesus could have had a
genetic blood disorder like Thallesemia or even some form of Leukemia
and still have been holy before God.  Blood does not determine one's
holiness and to suggest such means that I would have a scientific way to
determine the moral state of a person.  All I would have to do is a
blood test!  How convenient.  :-)

Judy wrote:
> Because he had not one drop of Adam's blood 
> in His veins, He did not share Adam's sin.

And if he did not share Adam's sin, then he was not our brother and was
not related to us and could not redeem us from our sin. 

Judy wrote:
> It is a medical fact that from the time of conception 
> to the time of birth not one single drop of blood ever 
> passes from the mother to the child or from child to 
> mother.

This is blatantly FALSE.  I do not have time right at this moment to
look up some references for you, but as I have mentioned to you in the
past, the red blood cells of the unborn are nucleated, unlike the
mother's, and therefore easily identified in the mother's bloodstream.
It is possible to determine the sex and the genetic condition of the
unborn by taking a sample of the mother's blood.  While there exists a
barrier between the blood of the mother and the child, it is not
complete.  Some blood passes both ways, from the mother to the child,
and from the child to the mother.  This is a scientific fact.  If you
would like me to take time to research some links for you, I will.  Just
ask.  You can find this information yourself if you would just use
Google and search on words like "nucleated erythrocytes" and "maternal
and fetal blood," etc.

Judy wrote:
> From: Dr. Liley, the "Father of Fetology [quote] 
> Dr. Liley, who did the first fetal blood transfusion 
> in the womb, said that seven days after fertilization: 
> ". . . the young individual, in command of his environment 
> and destiny with a tenacious purpose, implants in the 
> spongy lining and with a display of physiological power, 
> suppresses his mother's menstrual period. This is his 
> home for the next 270 days and to make it habitable, 
> the embryo develops a placenta and a protective capsule 
> of fluid for himself. He also solves, single-handed, 
> the homograft problem, that dazzling feat by which 
> foetus and mother, although immunological foreigners 
> who could not exchange skin grafts NOR safely receive 
> blood from each other, nevertheless tolerate each other 
> in parabiosis for nine months. [end quote]

Do you know what "parabiosis" means?  It refers to a sharing, and is
often used to refer to conjoined twins who share a common blood
circulation.  To use this quote to argue that not one drop of blood
migrates between the mother and infant is intellectually wrong.

Judy wrote:
> The blood comes from their father at the time 
> of conception, 

FALSE.  This is scientifically FALSE.  I have mentioned this to you
before, but you keep repeating it without any shred of evidence.  We
know that genetically the nature of the blood is determined by both the
mother and the father, and that in cellular substance the blood is
developed from the mother.  Anybody with just a  first year college
education in biology should know these things.  I have a Master's degree
in biology, but you would rather scoff at my comments and continue to
disagree with me than check out what I tell you.  I'm not elevating my
education above you because it is nothing, but I point it out at this
time in the hope that you might reconsider your sources of information.
You are treading into making scientific statements which are fallacious.

Judy wrote:
> and thus it is the father who gives life (the blood) 
> to the child at conception. 

Blood does not equal life.  The father does not give the blood to the
child at conception, neither does he give life to the child at
conception, and to the best of my knowledge, neither does the father
give the soul to the child (but I could be wrong about this last point
because it is not as easy to investigate as the first two points).  My
interpretation of Scripture is that the spirit and soul comes from an
act on God's part, not from the father.  I'm open to exploring this last
point more, because assumptions and interpretations are involved, but
the other points deal with science and are beyond dispute to anyone who
will look at it through the scientific process.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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