Just food for thought, Perry.

Do some study here and see if you don't come to what I'm suggesting.
"Salvation of the soul" is the whole person. "Destroy the soul" is the whole
person. "Dividing asunder the soul and the spirit" is death. "The division
of spirit and soul, the joints and morrow" is a figure of speech
representing our complete makeup. And that thing that can be saved or
destroyed, called the soul? Well, Paul also calls that the "whole man." Just
a thought. Think it through. {:>)


Original Message -----
From: "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 8:00 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Soul searching.

> Bill,
>    What does "salvation of the soul" (1 Peter 1:9), to "destroy the soul"
> (Mat 10:28), "dividing asunder of soul and spirit" (Heb 4:12) and "whole
> spirit and soul and body" (1 Thes 5:23) refer to?
>    These verses all imply something that exists apart from (but integrated
> with) the spirit and body that can be saved or destroyed. What is this
> that has the qualities of existence such that it can be saved or destroyed
> called the "soul"?
>    With respect to your comment about looking for the rest of Jesus...just
> because His soul is not mentioned does not in any way imply that Jesus did
> not possess a "soul".
> Perry
> >From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [TruthTalk] Soul searching. Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004
19:02:20 -0700
> >
> >I was rebuked a while back because I was "dichotomizing" the idea of
> >personhood, when I should have been "trichotomizing" like the Bible does.
> >Well, actually I was doing neither; rather I was arguing toward the idea
> >integration and away from all forms of spirit/body dualisms, as if we can
> >so dissect a person as to separate the spirit from the body, and the body
> >from the spirit.
> >
> >And so the question I would like to address is about personal continuity,
> >personal ontology, dualism, etc. There is no end to thorny problems we
> >get into when discussing this. And so I won't say a lot about it. But to
> >me, it seems we need to be very careful about reifying the words that we
> >use from our tradition, making them so concrete in our thinking that we
> >impose back on Scripture meaning that simply doesn't exist; for instance,
> >when we read "soul," what are we to make of this language? Is "soul" a
> >third part of a tripartite structure, spirit-body-soul, called a human
> >being? I think not.
> >
> >I regard the Scriptural use of the word "soul" heuristically, as simply a
> >way of saying, me being me in the presence of God, without implying that
> >there is a thing inside of me called the soul, which if I could do enough
> >surgery inside myself and dissect myself and identify all my parts, I
> >actually be able to discover that soul part of me.
> >
> >I'm perfectly happy to use "soul" as a word -- don't get me wrong. But
> >let's use it like the Bible does. It's a way of describing personhood in
> >the presence of God. But as to whether we are trichotomous beings, with
> >spirit, body, and soul, I would have to disagree. We are spirit and body
> >integrated in such a way that to speak of one to the exclusion of the
> >other, is to dehumanize and depersonalize, and to dichotomize who we are
> >living persons. Soul speaks to the whole of me, spirit and body,
> >before our Lord.
> >
> >Let's get to the crux of the issue: if we insist on making "soul" an
> >substantive thing, as some of you are insisting, then it seems to me we
> >need to go looking for the rest of Jesus. He's hanging there on a tree,
> >see, nails through his body, looks to heaven and says, "Father, into your
> >hands I commit my spirit." Well, what happened to his soul? Where did it
> >go? Did he forget who he was, a human being? Come on people [:>) Jesus
> >a living soul, an integrated whole, a complete person. The body part dies
> >on the cross. That leaves a disembodied spirit, which he commits to his
> >Father -- No soul searching. No parts missing!
> >
> >Bill Taylor
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