David Miller wrote:
DaveH wrote:
The soul is created at birth, when
the spirit joins a physical/mortal body.

This is interesting.  Does this mean that Mormons do not believe that
abortion is murder?
  Can you tell us the official Mormon position on
abortion and how they view the unborn if they have no spirit and no
DAVEH:  No, I can't give you the official LDS position, as I don't recall ever hearing it.  Murder is a strong word, and I don't know that it applies in this matter, as much as many Christians would wish it to be.  Let me explain.....

    If an abortion was chosen to preserve a mother's life, would most Christians consider it murder?  I wouldn't.   Do NOT misunderstand me on this though.  I do not condone abortions, nor do I think the Lord is complacent about them.  However, as I mentioned previously, I believe Jesus was speaking to a prophet in the New World the day prior to his birth in the Old World.  Hence, I do not necessarily believe the spirit and body are inseparably connected prior to birth. 

    As you know, I believe our spirits exist prior to birth.  And I believe that if a fetus fails to survive to independent life outside the womb, the spirit that was meant for that body is not prohibited from coming into mortality in another body.....but rather that spirit will still have the opportunity to be born into this world at another time.  Whether the fetus is aborted, or stillborn.....I do not think it matters.....the eternal progression of that spirit will be allowed to develop into another physical body.   So again....Do I think abortion is murder.....No.  But I do believe it is an abomination to God, as it is thwarting the Lord's purpose for us in a way that is extremely disrespectful for and to the life he gives.  I hope that satisfactorily answers your question, DavidM.....as I am leaving tomorrow morning for a couple weeks.  And again......FTR, this is my opinion and not necessarily the official position of the LDS Church.  Blaine may be more knowledgeable regarding this matter.  Or, I could do some research when I return if you wish something more official.
Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.


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