Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Everyone? Standing on the word? LOL
PS 119:128 Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way.

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You missed the whole point Kevin.  Everyone here is standing on the word of God, and none of uc are in agreement.  I am not saying compromise what you believe.  That would be ridiculous.  I am saying that we are to love one another.  Love covers a multitude of sins.  Explain why you believe what you believe in a loving manner.  Listen respectfully while they tell you what they believe.  Wait a half hour before you respond, and use that half hour to think about how you want to come across.  Love others AS YOURSELF.
If you snarl at my children, you will never convince me that you love me.  If you snarl at God's children,.............................?
Yes you will have to drop your doctrine because you have every wind. No thanks count me out I shall take my stand on the word of God.

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