Wm. Taylor wrote:
I said > Truth is important, I agree. But truth to the exclusion of unity changes nature somehow.
DAVEH said >  I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, Bill.
I think we tend to confuse the distinction between preserving the truth
DAVEH:  And......sometimes what we try to preserve may be more tradition than truth......?
and pursuing it. If we're not clear about our motive, then we are probably not clearly communicating our intent to others. This opens us to the possibility of being misunderstood. It may even cause us to divide, -- yet the theme is still "truth." If unity is not held closely along side of our interests in truth,
DAVEH:  There does seem to be a unity of proclaiming truth.  Due to the multitude of contrasting doctrines and opinions, that alone would suggest that beliefs do not necessarily equate with truth.
then the nature of our discussions change, preservation begins to overwhelm any common pursuit, and we all stand to lose.
DAVEH:  IMO, preservation often times triumphs over truth.
Am I making any sense?
DAVEH:  A little.  Thanx for explaining it a bit more for me, Bill.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Tough being a Christian

Wm. Taylor wrote:
Dave H.
Let me be the first to apologize on behalf of all of us for acting like we do.
DAVEH:  You need not apologize, Bill.  I feel a part of this so to speak dysfunctional family.
Truth is important, I agree. But truth to the exclusion of unity changes nature somehow.
DAVEH:  I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, Bill.  But as I see it......Truth may be limited if it is not unified.  Most everybody here is going to think I'm arrogantly seeing the disarray of TT as a fortifying factor in my own perspective of what I think is truth.  But as I've said before, I'm not in TT for truth.  If I were, I'd  have felt like I'd been pulled apart by vicious beasts many times over.   Hmmmmmm....now that I think about it, I've felt that way more than a few times anyway!   <VBG>

   If I had the power to influence TTers, it wouldn't be to have them all convert to Mormonism.  (Such behavior would do more to destroy the my Church from inside, than any enemies could do from the outside, IMO.)  Instead, I would much rather see Christians learn to treat others as I perceive Jesus would.  The problem is that most TTers think they are serving another Jesus than I do, so I don't hold much hope that a unity of the faith will soon be seen in TT, let alone a unity of fellowship.    
I am sorry.
DAVEH:  No need to apologize, Bill.  I've not been offended, nor am I grousing.  I'm just offering my observations and thoughts.  I sincerely hope I have not offended any of my TT friends in doing so. 
bill taylor

Dave Hansen
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