I said > Truth is important, I agree. But truth to the exclusion of unity changes nature somehow.
DAVEH said >  I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, Bill.
I think we tend to confuse the distinction between preserving the truth and pursuing it. If we're not clear about our motive, then we are probably not clearly communicating our intent to others. This opens us to the possibility of being misunderstood. It may even cause us to divide, -- yet the theme is still "truth." If unity is not held closely along side of our interests in truth, then the nature of our discussions change, preservation begins to overwhelm any common pursuit, and we all stand to lose.
Am I making any sense?
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Tough being a Christian

Wm. Taylor wrote:
Dave H.
Let me be the first to apologize on behalf of all of us for acting like we do.
DAVEH:  You need not apologize, Bill.  I feel a part of this so to speak dysfunctional family.
Truth is important, I agree. But truth to the exclusion of unity changes nature somehow.
DAVEH:  I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, Bill.  But as I see it......Truth may be limited if it is not unified.  Most everybody here is going to think I'm arrogantly seeing the disarray of TT as a fortifying factor in my own perspective of what I think is truth.  But as I've said before, I'm not in TT for truth.  If I were, I'd  have felt like I'd been pulled apart by vicious beasts many times over.   Hmmmmmm....now that I think about it, I've felt that way more than a few times anyway!   <VBG>

   If I had the power to influence TTers, it wouldn't be to have them all convert to Mormonism.  (Such behavior would do more to destroy the my Church from inside, than any enemies could do from the outside, IMO.)  Instead, I would much rather see Christians learn to treat others as I perceive Jesus would.  The problem is that most TTers think they are serving another Jesus than I do, so I don't hold much hope that a unity of the faith will soon be seen in TT, let alone a unity of fellowship.    
I am sorry.
DAVEH:  No need to apologize, Bill.  I've not been offended, nor am I grousing.  I'm just offering my observations and thoughts.  I sincerely hope I have not offended any of my TT friends in doing so. 
bill taylor
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Tough being a Christian

Judy Taylor wrote:
There is no reason why Dave Hansen should want to be like us.  I don't even want to be like us.
jt: Dave Hansen has a different agenda and is serving another Jesus.  We may not look exactly like our Lord and Savior yet and a lot of evangelical doctrine teaches that we don't need to be conformed to His image.
DAVEH:  If you don't want to conform to our Lord's image.......well, I am very surprised, Judy.  I'm probably as far from it as anybody, but at least that's my goal.  Do not other Christians have a desire to be Christlike?  If not, then what do Christians think Mt 5:48 is all about......?
What can we do about it?  Is this important enough to talk about?  Suggestions please.
jt: I think it is important enough to talk about but I doubt we will reach a consensus until we decide to fellowship around God's Word and lay our pre-conceived notions, the Nicene Fathers and all that aside and come humbly asking the Holy Spirit to reveal God's Word to us. DaveH and Blaine are not seeking answers because they believe they have them already in Mormonism.
DAVEH:  I'm not sure I'm welcome in this conversation.......but golly....look at it from our (LDS) perspective.  If the answers you have lead to the bickering typically/commonly/frequently found in TT, why would anybody expect Mormons to adopt a theology which is diametrically opposed to theirs which to us fosters a oneness of fellowship and doctrine.  From my experience, even those who have chosen divergent paths that are rooted in the BoM tend to get along with us as cousins would compared to the brother/sister relationship of our immediate LDS family.  I've never argue doctrines with those non-LDS Mormon folks, and have always had a pleasant time chatting with them.  If I ask a question, they answer and vice versa.  Though we may (may I add, respectfully) disagree on each other's perspective, we don't get our noses bent out of joint when discussing our differences.

    But I've got to say, I sure don't see that fellowship in TT.  I can understand why some may not want to fellowship Mormon rogues like myself.  But I sure don't understand why fellowship amongst comrades of Jesus is so awkward here, to be polite about it.  Can doctrinal theology be at the root of  this contention?  Or.....is it social theology that divides?  Or.....are some Christians not as Christian as they presume?  I hope you don't take any of that as harsh criticism.  I'm merely thinking out loud of possible reasons to explain in my mind what I see with my eyes. 

    In short......you are right, Judy.  What I hear/see in TT does not compel me to want to change from what I have.  In fact, when some tell me they want to wave my underwear in public, I want to run the other direction.  But something else in me wants to find out why those underwear wavers want to act that way, which is so contrary to what I perceive Jesus would do.......which is why I've enjoyed some of my discussions with the street preachers.  I just want to find out why that kind of thinking makes them tick.  I suppose that also explains why I enjoy TT so much.  Though it is so contradictory to the nature of the way I've been taught, I'm extremely curious as to why you folks seems so comfortable with the religion you practice that produces such interesting fruits  I don't know if that makes sense to any of you.  And, I hope I'm not offending anybody by sharing my thoughts.  Delete it if you don't want me butting in......or.....Ponder it as an outsider's observation. 

Dave Hansen
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