Judy Taylor wrote:
Terry why are you angry and what do you want from me?
I am not angry Judy, just frustrated.  I was hoping that I could reason without being accused of compromise.  I was hoping to hear that you love your brothers and sisters in Christ and want to communicate with them. Still, all I see coming from you lately is correction, as though all truth resides in your words because you are taught by the Holy Spirit while others here have had to rely on text books.  Never mind that some of those book writers paid with their life for their faith.
I guess what gets to me most is that I have been where you are, dogmatic, unwavering proclaimer of the truth. Down with the Mormons, down with the Catholics, Down with the Liberals, down with sin.  Don't misunderstand, all that is okay until it starts to make you cruel to those who do not share your views.  When you start correcting everyone else on the list because they do not study as you do, or believe as you do, or have the insight that you do, that is unloving to say the least.
You are not all wet in your thinking.  I agree with you on many things you have said, but by your own admission, you are not all knowing either.
  We both know that there is no substitute for the leading of the Holy Spirit.  I doubt that anyone on this list thinks otherwise.  We both know that the church today is often led by entertainers and idiots and a smattering of perverts. We both love the Lord and want to serve Him any way we can.  If we agree on that much,why can we not reason together?  Do I have to agree with your views on every point to be a Christian?
Take a look at some of your responses to what others have written.  See how they might sound to you  if someone else had written them.  I was hard on you in my last post.  I wanted you to see what it was like to have someone question your beliefs and your motives and your sincerity.  I am sorry.  I will be even sorrier if I have failed to help you see yourself as others see you.
There, I let it all hang out.  Now it's your turn.  Tell me what I need to work on.  I will give it serious consideration.

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