Thanks Blaine.
I hope you get this before you read my book on Polanyi {:>). I'll try to tone down the technical stuff. Sometimes, though, I just can't help myself. Be patient with me, please.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Questions set the tone

Hi William, 
 I have enjoyed reading some of your comments--I appreciate you trying to shorten your posts, since I like reading short stuff better than long stuff.  What I like best though, is the word, "stuff."  It is nice and general, and can be relied upon as a truly nickel word when a dollar word will not come to mind.  (:>)  You seem to have a lot of dollar words at the tip of your richly endowed keyboard. (:>)  In all honesty and candor, I think a lot of what you're trying to say, however,  is what I have come to call TCBS--Traditional Christian Belief System.  You will find most of my posts reflect in some way or other my conviction that much of what is taught in so-called Christian Churches is basically tradition--which is either scantily supported by scripture, or supported only by the highly rationalized interpretations of those who want to believe the traditions--for whatever reasons.  Your comments below are some of your better ones, so I am not picking on you--at least not now!  (:>)  TT is fun, usually, so I hope we can at least agree to disagree from time to time.  Just keep in mind, I never met a man I truly disliked--I even like Kevin, so you can see I have a very charitable  attitude--basically,
Blaine (Just another simple, unsophisticated Mormon boy, who loves the truth better than life)  (:>)
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Questions set the tone

Wm. Taylor wrote:
Did Christ include Judas in his death? Did He die for him? I think, unless we want to go into a discussion of Limited Atonement, we must conclude that He did. What then, if Christ took Judas down with Him in death, would preclude him from Salvation? Will he (Judas) not see resurrection? If Judas rejected Jesus Christ, what he did was this: he refused to participate in the salvation provided him in the resurrection of his Savior. The only thing that sends Judas to hell, then, is Judas, if indeed Judas finally rejected Jesus Christ.
That's how I read it.
DAVEH:  Thanx for your thoughtful comments, Bill.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Questions set the tone

Kevin Deegan wrote:
He was a devil
DAVEH:  Do you believe he was a devil when Jesus chose and ordained him?
Is the Devil saved?
DAVEH:  Not if he fails endure to the end, as did Judas.

    As a tangential question Kevin.....Do you believe Jesus' grace can apply to one who has been labeled a devil?  IOW.....IF Judas had repented and confessed after his betrayal of our Saviour, would he then have qualified for salvation in your opinion?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
If only Judas could have endured one more moment?
DAVEH:  That's exactly the point.....he did not endure, but instead chose to betray.  Do you believe Judas had been saved at any time, Kevin?  Had he endured, then would he not have been saved as Jesus promises?

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin Deegan wrote:

> DAVEH: Sinners.....yes. Lost?.....Can one be lost if he endures to
> the end?
DAVEH: Now let me ask you, Terry.....Do you believe one can be saved if
he does not endure to the end?
Dave Hansen
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