I just wanted to say that I appreciate the things being shared.  This thread of discourse is most revealing. 
There are the originators of knowledge, those who experience or discover it first hand.  And then there are the purveyors of knowledge, who pass along what others say without first hand, direct experience.  Most of the "NEWS" we hear is from radio, TV, or printed reporting.  In academics, there are those who repeat what they have been taught rather than what they have truly learned first hand.  Many preachers/pastors behave like reporters and repeaters. 
The living Word of God, who now comes in the flesh through His people, indwells our lives gives us first hand experience as we exercise faith and trust in him for all things.
There is a place for wells and a place for conduits.
May God so richly bless you,
----- Original Message -----
From: Wm. Taylor
David M. and Izzy,
I am sending a quote from Lesslie Newbigin....."There is thought to be a kind of knowledge for which one does not have to depend on faith, and there is another kind which is only available by the exercise of faith........."

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