jt wrote: Our faith should not rest in Church history. Why do you say that
God's grace and the blood of the lamb are the answer to all the mess. Do you think that
God will validate all of the things you mention above anyway?   

God's grace and the continual flow of he blood do not validate sin, my dear.  
But, of course, you know that.   God through Christ does not justify sin, but He does
justify the sinner.  
jt: Not without repentance which means the sinner must consciously repent of and turn
from their sin.  Jesus is returning for a Church without spot, wrinkle, and/or blemish.
A victorious church. 
Now that we have cleared that up, something about the point I was making in the email.  
The professing church is no place for open questioning and heart felt debate. It does not
have the mentality for spirited disagreement.   
jt: Then the professing church should 'examine itself' to see whether or not it is in the
And those who disagree have never been in a running debate that placed them on the
nontraditional side of the issue. The church has no idea how to handle those who come
to the "wrong" conclusion.
jt: What's wrong with "Preach the word; (rather than everyone's ideas about it) be
instant, in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and
doctrine" (2 Timothy 4:2)  
Apparently the blood of Christ protects from moral failing but not from wrong doctrinal
decisions.   There is much I could say as an indictment against the church.   But, of
course, God knew that the church would fail if the standard of measurement was right
jt: He knew because He is God but He gave His best so that we might act right; 
Christ is everything we need for life and godliness; so what's the excuse? He left
us an example that we should follow in His steps. 
His plan for saving man from himself is one that works even when man does not   --  
even when His church does not.   Paul put it this way -- it is before our own master
that we either sand or fall and we will be made to stand  (kind of Romans 14:4).  
jt: When we do things God's way we will and this (Rom 14) is in the context of a
very young believer and their conscience concerning food. I don't believe God is in the
business or propping up an apostate mess that claims to belong to Him. In light of
Romans 11, I believe He expects us to grow or we will also be cut off.
I get a little ticked when I speak of the professing church  --  but God does not
and my opinion does not count.   
jt: How do you know He doesn't get upset? Have you spent much time in the OT?
So, yes, God solved the problem.  He does exactly the same thing for you and me.   
I am no better than the church I complain against.   Hopefully this helps you to
understand at least my point of view.   John Smithson
jt: I see what you have written John but I don't see your POV in scripture.

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